Chapter Ten: Now or Never

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That night I worried about Nina more than ever. It was my first time back home since I found her and I felt more uncomfortable than ever in my room. I actually missed the old hospital chair I slept in nightly, but even more I missed the comfort of knowing Nina was there in my grasp. Albeit I was glad to be home, I missed her so much that I couldn't breathe. Just thinking of her being gone made me feel sick and want to be back with her even if she hated me.

I tossed and turned for hours, eventually getting up and heading into the kitchen for a late night snack. I opened the fridge door and pulled out the milk, pouring myself a glass before returning it to its place in the fridge and reaching up into my cabinet of snacks. The oeeos sounded so good at that point. I opened the package and began to dip them into the milk when suddenly a knock reverberated all around the large flat.

I sat the cookies down and trudged my way to the door, not realizing I was only in boxers. I was pretty much half asleep, too tired to care what this person saw. The door was flung open and I saw Nina. She gave me a look, ful of hate before noticing what I hadn't yet.

"Do you always answer the door in your underwear?" She looked me up and down, eyes landing on my stomach. I knew I had abs but I was still always selfconcious because I ate so much. I honestly got called fat everyday through Twitter by random fans who didn't believe I should have been j the band.

"It's early. What are you doing here?"

"It's seven o'clock. Gosh, some people get more sleep than us models. I don't caee if your Niall James Horan. You shouldn't sleep so mich. You'll stilk get bags." I raised an eyebrow. What was she talking about?

"Erm, okay? Well, if that's all you wanted..." I began to close it but she stopped it with her hand.

"Wait! I need your help! I got locked out of my apartment andni lost my bag and phone somewhere. I think on the side of the road actually." She gave me a smile and that was when I noticed that there was somethig wrong with her. For one, her smile didn't reach her eyes. They didn't sparkle with joy at the chance to annoy me. For two, her ees were just diffeent. They were lighter, almost a blue and they were cold, filled with a hate that Nina could never muster up jn her life. I busred up laughing at that point.

"You're funny, Nina. Now what do you really need?" She furrowed her eyebrows together, confused yet cold. The exact way that I could describe her eyes was pretty much just like that.

"How do you know my name?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm used to Louis' pranks already. Just because you're pissed it doesn't mean you have to pull a dumb prank."

If possible, she looked even more confused. "What are you talking about. I've never met you before in my life!"

This kind of startled me, but I pushed it away. "Are you or are you not Nina Jacobs?"

"I am and you're Niall Horan, singer in one of the world's largest boybands. I'm obsessed with you guys and I had no idea that you lived right across the hall from me. I never would've gone on the cruise if I would've known. How much do you think Em's going to hate me for not telling?"

"Okay, Nina, that's enough. You can stop with your little charade already. I know you know who I am and I know you're pissed. Just go home and get some sleep. God knows we both need it." She furrowed her eyebrows, glancing behind me.

"Can I come in? I need to make a call." I nodded and she brushed past me. She saw the home phone on the wall and as if she owned the place, reached out, dialing a number.

"Hey, Em, it's me. I'm in the hall. Come answer the door. I'm waiting." She hung up then turned giving me a cold smile.

"Well, thanks. I'll see you around possibly." She began to brush past me but I grabbed her wrist. She looked up at me and I smiled.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about us. I'll make it up to you. Let me take you out tonight." She nodded and smiled, maliciously.

"Pick me up at seven." She sent a wink my way and I grinned broadly, watching her walk out of the door and close it behind her.


I rubbed me eyes, tiredness taking over me as I attempted to stay awake. I had been up all night, avoiding the nightmares and memories that always came. There seemed to be no way to keep them away while I slep. No matter what I did, when sleep overcame me I was dreaming the horrid thing that had happened. So I had sat onthe balcony the entire night, staring up at the stars. I still couldn't shake the weary look I had received from everyone. They just seemed to be hiding things from me and from the looks of it Niall also.

Which reminded me...

I was still so mad at him. He lied to me as if I couldn't bear the truth. As if I was a fragile china doll he didn't want to break. Well guess what. He broke me. I thought he was actually a decent guy before he went out of his way to lie to me. I was actually beginning to fall for him I realized, but he broke my heart.

I felt like an idiot, believing he wasn't just using me for something. Publicity for their band maybe. I didn't understand why I wasn't mad at te other guys though. They could've told me but they never did. It was almost as if they were as bad as Niall but I still trusted them. More than I should've.

My thoughts were suddenly jarred by a phone ringing. I looked toward Emily's bedroom, where the ringing was coming from. Quickly slouching down, I hid, not wanting her to know I was up.

Her door creaked open and I saw her making her way to the living room. she stopped in her tracks before turning back to the door and openin it where I saw...


I sat up quickly. "I thought you were in your room asleep." She leaned against the door tiredly. I stiffled my own yawn as I ranminto the room.

"No, I haven't been-." She stopped and her eyes widened. "Who the fuck are you?"

My eyes widened in surprise. I walked over to where Emily stood and when she saw me, her own widened. "Whoa. What's going on here?"

"How'd you find me?" The girl was staring at me now, surprise in her eyes. "Amber, how did you find me?"

Amber? I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "My name's Nina, not Amber."

She glared at me, the hatred I had seen in my own eyes in the pitures gleaming.

"The hell you are!" My eyes grew wide again as she reached out and pulled me by my hair. "I told Mom and Dad that I'm not coming back. They can't send some bitch who they decided to give up for freaking adoption to bring me back or even take my place."

Adoption? My heart raced. I had become used to the fact that I was supposed to be Nina Jacobs, model and student, when suddenly I was told I wasn't. I fact, I was told I had to be somebody else entirely. She threw me out in the hall, ripping out my hair in the process. I fell to the ground as she slammed the door.

I could hear Emily's scream on te other side. "How could you do that? You don't even know why she was here yet yoy throw her out. I'm letting her back in!"

I heard locks clickig as I cluthed my side in pain. I figured a rib had to be at the least bruised and as I attempted to stand I realized my ankle was messed up again. Worse than before. That girl in there may have looked like me but she was nothing like me.

"Open that door. I dare you." I could hear the coldness in Nina's voice as I balanced myself against the wall. The lock soowly clicked back into place. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go prepare myself for dinner tonight. A lovely chap across the hall is taking me out for dinner. Best birthday present so far." I heard her heels clicking against the floor as she most likely made her way to my - I mean her - bedroom. Birthday? Holy shit. I completely forgot my own birthday or I guess her birthday. It was the fifth though. April fifth and I was thrown out of an apartment and a life. Now it was time to find my real self. Even as I felt rwars leaking down my cheeks, I made my way to the empty elevator and let it take me to a new life. This was my only chance. It was now or never.

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