Chapter Eight: Cry With You

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I sat on the edge of the bed, playing an old song that I knew she had heard before. Nina was everything to me and all I wanted was to make her haopy. To make her smile. I had been completely astounded when I found out we were neighbors. How had I missed something that big? How did I miss someone so amazing living right across the hall from me?

It was probably because of our tours. They seemed endless. I loved the fans and performing but sometimes it would become too much. All I would want is to go home and have a little bit of peace for even just an hour. One hour with my family and friends from Ireland was all I needed.

As I strummed the guitar, I felt the smile spread on my face, her own appearing in my mind's eye. She was perfect in every way and I loved her perfect little imperfections. It led me to think of a different song. As I began to play again, I heard Little Things echoing in my mind, each word, each little strum of the guitar.

"Why the hell have you been lying to me?"

I nearly dropped the guitar when I heard Nina's yell reverberate around the room. I looked up and saw a hurt look on her face, hatred filling her eyes along with something else. Betrayal? There was no way to know for sure, but I was positive something had happened.

"What's going on?" I was on my feet in an instant, rushing to her side. She backed up a bit, flinching as I grew closer. I sighed, ashamed of whatever I did. I rested the guitar against the walll and turned back to her.

"You're famous. You're a singer. You're in a fucking boyband and you didn't feel the need to tell me? How dare you! How dare you and your dumbass friends do something like that to me! I have feelings too, you know? It's not always about you!" She pushed me away as I tried to step toward her again.

"Nina, it wasn't-." She cut me off quickly, anger flaring in her eyes.

"Wasn't what? Important? So when I end up getting mobbed while hanging out with you guys it won't be anything important?"

"That's not what I meant." Tears pricked my eyes, a pain stabbing me in my heart. Why had I wanted to keep it a secret? I knew it would have a bad outcome, yet I insisted on it. I practically threatened the boys. And for what? To betray someone I cared about more than anyone, even Jenna, my first real girlfriend who I was convinced I really cared about.

"Then what did you mean? Were you even planning on telling me?" The question caught me off guard. I didn't even know the answer. Would I have told her eventually? We were supposed to go on tour again? Was I going to wait until them? Or would I even have been around then? She would've pushed me away by then, or already fallen for one of the other guys. I especially worried about Harry. I mean he was the flirt of the group after all. He had any girl he wanted.

"I wanted to but I felt like I couldn't. I didn't want to stress you or make you feel as if we were just going to leave at any given minute." I saw a tear slip from her eye. She wiped it away, eyes never leaving me. A few more leaked out. In an instant she was in tears. I quickly wrapped by arms around her, feeling my own tears falling into her hair, me managing to whisper comforting words in her ears.


We all sat around the living room that was quite similar to out own. A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, sending sparks of light cascading onto us all in the room. Two couches sat, angled to both face the giant flat screen TV that hung on the flat's wall. A Grand Piano sat in the corner with a vase of roses on top bringing a bit of a casual appearance to the formal room. The whole time we were there I couldn't keep my eyes off of Emily.

I remembered everything about her and for weeks since we returned back to London, I couldn't keep her face out of my head. I had never expected her to live in the same building as me, much less right across the hall. I watched as she looked at the movies, suggesting ones at random, nervousness radiating from her body. When I had met her I was underthe impression that she didn't like the band so I had no reasons for her to be so scared.

"How about a television show? Anybody want to watch a Soap? We have Grey's Anatomy or One Tree Hill." I heard the groans from around me. I chuckled a bit as Louis sat up, a wide grin on his face.

"One Tree Hill for sure!" She looked at him surprised that he wanted to watch it. The boys and I had suffered enough at home. He wouldn't-. "What seasons do you have? My favorite is season three with Uncle Keith's last moments!"

Her eyes looked as if they were about to pop out in surprise as she gaped at Lou. Quickly, she got over it, sliding out the case. I could juat make out the show's logo and see the familiar actors on the front as she popped out the disk, placing it in the DVD player.

As she made her way to sit down, she made the pointed gesture to sit on the opposite couch as far away as she could get. I sighed, my gaze flickering to the TV where the show was opening with a fire at a car dealership. But I didn't pay attention to the show. My thoughts were wandering, thinking of one thing: Emily. It was pretty ironic wasn't it? She lived in the same building as me and the same apartment of a girl my best mate had become slightly protective over.

Ironic didn't even cut it.

I thought of Nina then. We didn't know her well but Em did. They lived together for Christ's sake! She had to know something about her we didn't. She had to know everything about her and could warn us of anything to be careful of. Even maybe help her to regain her memory.

"Emily," I heard Liam say. "Can you pause the show for a minute?"

She nodded, confusion written on her face. She reached forwrad and as she turned it off, I realized Liam had thought the same thing.

"But I was watching that!" Louis whined, causing us all to chuckle at his childishness. Eleanor shook her head, using her free hand to scroll through her phone.

"We'll turn it back on in a minute. Just wait one second, okay?" He nodded slowly, continuing to pout. I watched as El kissed him on the cheek, making the pout leave his face and Liam turned back to Emily, who sat uncomfortably next to him. "You know Nina. What's she like? what does she do? Do you think you can help to get her memory back with us?"

Her gaze flickered to me. "I'd rather not."

"Why?" I couldn't help but to butt in.

"To sum up my entire opinion of her? She's a bitch and a hypocrite." We all stared at her surprised. That wasn't how we saw her. She seemed way kinder than any model I'd ever met for sure.

"That doesn't sound like her." Louis furrowed his eyebrows together, completely ignoring his favorite TV show.

"She hates anyone who isn't perfect. The only reason she actually puts up with me is because she needs a roommate or else she can't stay. Not only that but she has a new assistant every week. Once she fired a girl for having to use the restroom." She rolled her eyes. "Plus, she owns tons of instruments and the only one she can play is the flute and that's only a few of the notes. She's seriously musically challenged. She has about a thousand records and she only listens to the latest hits on her phone, trying to sing along to them but she could never sing on key to save her life."

Her face flushed as she realized she was ranting rather loudly. "But I guess I shouldn't be talking. I have a lot of trouble with my own singing." She laughed softly, shaking her head.

"I can't see her acting like that. I mean, I heard her sing and she's pretty good. El did too." El nodded, squeezing Louis' hand and I groaned inwardly. They were such a mushy couple. My eyes landed on Emily and she had a frown on her face as she let out a sigh. I raised an eyebrow. Her own eyes moved up toward mine and I took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of her hazel eyes that effortlessly seemed to hide a sorrow deep in them.

"What does that-?" Liam was cut off by screaming, unmistakably Nina's although I had no clue why she would be yelling. What could Niall have done?

"You think everything's okay?" Zayn was glancing at the hallway worriedly.

"It's probably fine. I'm sure Ni can handle it." But even as I said those woeds, I worried. Worried for my best mate. Worried for one of the greatest and sweetest guys in the world. I knew he would never hurt her and trusted him with her without a doubt. I knew it had only been about a week that I knew her, I felt as if she was a sister to me. A great person in all honesty. Nothing like what emily was describing her as.

"I need to tell you guys something." We all looked at her, her having our full attention.

"I don't think that's Nina."

What the hell?

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