Mom I met a girl who glows today

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The present, post Titans Curse, pre battle of the labrinth

Percy, Thalia and Grover return to camp after their quest to rescue Artemis and Annabeth and putting Atlas back where he belongs.

They were welcomed home as heroes and celebrated with a bonfire and a large feast. Percy was happy to be back safe and sound, but was being haunted by thoughts of what Nico had said to him before he ran off.

Grover nudged Percy's shoulder, "everything okay?" Grover asked and Percy nodded. But Grover was able to detect Percy's emotions. He knew something was off, but he wanted him to enjoy their victory and relax.

They sat around a large bonfire while Annabeth was telling stories to other campers about their journey. Percy laughed at their reactions and took a sip from the drink in his hand.

Grover giggled and slung an arm around both Annabeth and Percy and hugged them tightly from each side. They were overjoyed the friends were reunited and safe, for now.

Until, Grover felt something pulling in his stomach. His pointed ears perked up and he released the friends from his hold. He stood up and watched the border of the camp closely.

"Grover what is it?" Percy asked, standing next to him. Until Percy felt it too, a feeling he's never felt before. A pull, an urge, to something, someone out there beyond the hill.

Clarisse La rue, the trios former enemy and current frenemy stood from her spot. Her mouth agape and her breath hitched. She felt it. A power thrummed below their feet, a vibration in the earth.

"It can't be." Clarisse breathed. Percy looked curiously at Clarisse, but her gaze was locked on the border.

Clarisse began walking slowly towards the hill, carefully. She took out her weapons in case of an attack, until she heard a voice of an old friend

"Help! Someone help!" A familiar Aurae nymph, with olive skin and wavy black hair, flew over the hill. Her delicate wings fluttered quickly before giving out and letting her free fall towards the ground.

"Rose!" Grover called and began running towards her. Clarisse followed closely behind. Mr. D and Chiron appeared beside Percy and Annabeth.

"Impossible." Mr. D whispered. Percy began sprinting after Grover. Once he reached him, he looked over his friends shoulder to see him crouched over and holding a beautiful girl in his arms tightly.

"Rose, we thought you were dead, where have you been?" Grover seemed to be crying as the girls breath staggered. He released her and held her head in his lap. Her wings were shaking and cracked.

"Help-" she breathed. Percy kneeled over her and helped lift her upright. "Perseus." She groaned. Percy was confused. "Perseus you must help her." She explained and Grover picked up the wind nymph in his arms.

"We need to get you to the Big House to heal." Grover said as he began walking to camp.

"No!" The girl screeched. "I won't leave her there, someone go get her!" She yelped as she squirmed in Grover's arms. Percy was confused, who was this nymph and how did she know who he was?

"Who's she?" Percy asked and Rose relaxed in Grover's grasp. She breathed in and out shakily and grabbed Clarisses hand.

"Seraphina." Rose gasped said before passing out.

Clarisse took this opportunity to sprint over the hill as fast as she possibly could.

Her best friend had gone missing 3 years ago after being sent on a quest to save her father and return her mothers stolen scepter.

Clarisse grabbed Percy's hand and pulled him behind her. "Clarisse what's going on? Who's out there?" He asked before they reached the top of the hill.

Beside an old gravestone, next to Thalias old tree, was a girl, curled up in a ball-clutching something in her arms-and, glowing? Clarisse fell to her knees to put her ear to the girls nose. Her face was covered by her white-gold hair, and her eyes were closed.

"She's breathing, Percy, help me get her up." Clarisses hurried, but Percy quickly scooped her up in his arms and began descending down the hill.

Clarisse followed quickly. Percy appeared next to Grover and the nymph before running to Mr. D and Chiron.

The two camp directors eyes went wide.

"Seraphina Gold, you did it you bastard." Mr. D laughed triumphantly.

"Percy, lay her next to the fire. Make way! Move! The princess has returned!" Chiron laughed victoriously.

Percy was widely confused now. He was holding a princess in his arms? A very pretty princess indeed he should say. He layed her down and moved her hair out of her face.

One of her arms flopped out from her chest and in her hand was a golden scepter with a lotus crested at the top.

Mr. D shook the girls shoulders. "Wake up, Gold! Wake up!" Chiron stopped him before grabbing the scepter.

"She retrieved her mothers scepter." Chiron said looking at the golden staff in his hand. He called for a satyr to quickly have someone send it back to Hera.

"Her mother? I thought Hera didn't have any half-blood children?" Percy asked, he was extremely confused at this point.

"We'll explain later." Clarisse said shoving him out of the way. Clarisse stood over the unconscious girls body.

"Come on Seph, you gotta wake up. Rose is here, she's fine. You gotta wake up." Clarisse pleaded before a group of young campers picked her up and brought her inside the Big house.

"Who was that? What just happened? I'm lost." Percy said. Grover caught up with the group and put his hands on his knees, panting.

"Percy, we have a lot to talk about, my friend."

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