I was kissed by a Goddess

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Percy climbed to the musty attic where the Oracle resided. The whithered woman rocked back and forth slowly in her chair as the floor boards beneath her creaked.

"Percy Jackson." A ghastly voice echoed in the room. "I've been waiting for you're arrival."

Percy inched closer to the Oracle. Her eyes began to glow green and a similar hue of mist escaped from her mouth. Out of the mist, Smelly Gabe and his poker buddies appeared. Percy rolled his eyes.

"You will travel far and wide to rescue the Prince who was forced to hide." His step father said, placing poker cards on the table.

"Her majesty requests your presence on the mountain most high to discuss your mission and your prize." Another player continued, taking a swig from a beer bottle.

"When all seems lost, you will come to find, that the Lady of the mount will save your life." The other man said.

"Her highness will reign, with you by her side, over the sea and the sky until the end of time." Suddenly the mist disappeared and Percy was more confused than when he entered.

He exited the Oracles attic to meet with Chiron, Mr. D ans Grover to discuss what he was told.


Mr. D looked more angry than anything else. "Of course it's you, Peter Johnson." He rolled his eyes and took a sip from his Diet Coke.

Grover smiled widely and patted his friend on the back. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! From before you were even at camp I knew it!" Grover laughed.

"Can someone please explain what's going on." Percy pleaded, resting his forehead on his palms.

"Her Majesty, that's Hera, the Queen of the Gods." Grover began. "Her highness, that's Seph, technically making her-"

"A Princess." Percy connected. "I thought she said she wasn't and you just teased her with that?" His head began to hurt with all this information.

"Of course she is! Her mother is a Goddess Queen! You don't think that makes her royalty by birthright?" Mr. D said, dragging his hand over his face.

"But what about Thalia then, wouldn't that make her a Princess too?" He asked. Grover shook his head. "Not anymore, since she became a hunter, she gave up her birthright as a Princess of Olympus."

Percy nodded slowly. "Then the Prince, that's..." He stated awkwardly. "Yeah. Hera has been searching for the body of her son since Ares took him away. She most likely wants his body back to give him a proper burial, and give Seph some closure." Grover explained.

"Who is the Lady of the mount, then?" Percy asked. "Also Seph, there's a reason Rose and Clarisse refer to her as My Lady. After she came back from her quest and returned Heras Scepter about a week ago, Zeus forgave Heras transgressions and accepted Seph as the rightful Princess, naming her the Lady of Mount Olympus. She is now officially the first half-blood royal."

"I don't see how she will save my life now, let alone have me rule beside her. I think I royally pissed her off, no pun intended." Percy started. Mr. D rubbed his temples with one hand, clutching the can in the other.

"Just trust the Oracle, boy. Yes, you did piss her off, but she'll get over it. She's had a rough week is all. Let her calm down, and we'll send you on your quest." Dionysus said, seemingly uninterested.

"Percy, this is a very serious mission, one that could shape your future. Are you ready to take on this responsibility?" Chiron asked. Percy nodded.

"Then you must go to Mount Olympus and visit Hera." Chiron said, and Percy cringed. This wasn't going to be pretty.

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