Dreams, nightmares and daydreams, Oh My!

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Seph sat on the beach, looking out towards the ocean. The gentle lapping of the waves coming to shore was soothing. The temperature was warm but a cool breeze blew through her hair. She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Leo. His blonde hair rustled in the wind and he smiled down at his beloved sister.

She grabbed his hand and squeezed it as she felt tears run down her face.

Behind him were Clarisse, Rose, Grover, and Annabeth. They were all gathered in the backyard of the beach house. Grover brought a bag full of snacks and began handing them out. Rose was helping Clarisse build a fire while Annabeth just relaxed under the sun.

Percy walked over and sat on the other side of her, crossing his legs and smiling at the girl. It was perfect, it was everything Seraphina ever wanted.

Suddenly, Leo's hand left her shoulder and when she turned back to face him he was no longer the tall and lanky teenage boy she remembered, but a large and beautiful golden lion. She felt goosebumps rise on her skin when she heard his loud roar.

Approaching from down the beach was a man. A built man wearing all leather, and carrying a large sword. Leo stood protectively in front of his sister.

"Leo, no. Run! Run away!" She called, but he didn't listen. He began charging at the God, before Percy followed closely behind, pulling out Riptide.

Clarisse, Rose, Annabeth and Grover also stood before her, ready to fight. Ares cackled and charged. Seraphina had to close her eyes, but when she opened them, Ares stood alone.

Seraphina screamed and wept before running to her friends. She held Percy's limp head in her arms and tears fell onto his shirt. She tried to grab Rose's hand, but one by one, they each began disappearing into thin air.

Percy was gone, Rose was gone, Clarisse, Grover and Annabeth were all gone. The only person that remained was Leo's body. She crawled to him, but was quickly haulted when she was grabbed by the collar of her shirt.

The large man picked her up and she turned her head, fighting back with everything she could, but his grip didn't falter.

"You'll never save them all."

Seph shot upwards out from under her covers. Her stomach turned and she ran through to the bathroom before losing whatever was left in her stomach. Her breathing was rapid and short.
Tears slid down her cheeks as she rested her forehead on the toilet seat.

She cleaned herself up before leaving the bathroom and walking downstairs to get a glass of water. The clock on the stove read 4:15 am.

She opened the sliding door of the kitchen and stepped out onto the deck. The breeze cooled her burning hot skin. She inhaled deeply and rested her arms on the balcony.

She took a sip from her water and tried to steady her breathing. She heard soft footsteps leaving the kitchen and onto the wooden deck. She turned to see her best friend.

Rose joined her and rested her head on her shoulder. "I had it too, almost woke up Clarisse, I thought I was screaming in my sleep." Rose said, softly.

"I can't do this." Seph choked. "I can't do this to them. We don't know what could happen out there. What if it's a sign, I should send them all home and I do this alone." She said. Rose shook her head. "You can tell them to, but they won't. Clarisse and Annabeth are too stubborn, Grover won't leave without Annabeth and Perseus, and he cares too much about this to leave." She explained, Seph only nodded.

"He's not that bad." Seraphina said, looking out at the scene before them. "Perseus, I mean. He's annoying as hell, of course, but I can handle that." Rose giggled behind her hand.

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