Thrown to the wolves

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"Where will we go now? I mean how will we get to the underworld?" Grover asked.

"We're heading back to New York so I can go see my mother. She'll give us the pearls we need to get home, I know a way in." Seph explained. The group groaned, another long and boring car ride awaited them.

A few hours in, late into the night, Annabeth spoke.

"So Seraphina, can you use your mind control for...anything?" She asked the girl. Seph shook her head.

"I can only use it on one person at a time, and it's very draining. I only use it when absolutely necessary. It normally gives me terrible headaches afterwards, I'm suprised I didn't get one when I used it on Ares." She stated.

"Well, My Lady, Perseus is in very close proximity. You each amplify the others powers when you are around one another." Rose stated and Percy raised an eyebrow.

"And we're learning this now?" Percy asked, obviously irritated.

"There is much in the fine print of this prophecy you have yet to recognize, both of you." Rose explained.

"Do tell, master of all knowledge." Clarisse teased.

"Well, I would hope Grover would know the fine print as well, seeing as you are Percy's protector." Rose stated. Grover looked up, dumbfounded.

"I, uh, well you see, I never had a chance to examine it that closely before." He scratched the back of his neck and Rose rolled her eyes.

"Being close to eachother definitely has its perks. You can be used as amplifiers, heal eachother, and feel the others emotions. We have seen in action the effect that a single touch from Perseus can calm Seraphina in her fiery rage." Rose giggled but Seph stayed quiet.

"There has been whispers about hearing the other's thoughts, but we have yet to see that, have we?" Rose asked. Percy and Seph shook their heads.

"I can't imagine being stuck in his brain. I would rather jump out a window." Seph seethed and Percy glared at her. "I would much rather jump in the Tartarus than hear you're snobby thoughts all day." Percy spat.

The car fell in a deep silence.

"Trouble in paradise?" Grover snickered and was quickly met with a flick to the forehead by Annabeth.

"No, we're fine. Let's just get to New York, get the box, and then we can all go our separate ways." Seraphina stated. She felt Percy's stomach drop at her words, but she said nothing.

Seraphina had been dependent on men her whole life, the only time she started discovering who she was, was when she went on her quest with Rose. After saving her father, she felt free. She realized how powerful she was on her own. She didn't need another man to be responsible for, or worse, to mourn another one.

She decided what was best was to ignore her feelings for Percy all together. It would be better for him that way, so that he wouldn't get his hopes up and hopefully keep him out of harms way.

Percy looked even sadder, like he could read the look on her face. The next 15 hour drive would be a grueling awkward silence, but at least Seraphina turned on the radio.


Seraphina had stopped for gas about 5 hours in. The entirety of the car was fast asleep, it was about 2 am by the time she arrived in Alabama.

She filled up her tank and went into the gas station to get the largest cup of coffee she could find. As she went to the register to check out she heard the bells on the front door ring.

DEUS EX MACHINA | PERCY JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now