I dreamed of a lion sneezing

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Percy POV

Percy left his windows open before he fell asleep. A soft breeze kissed his face as he dozed off. He heard the sound of the lake lapping against the shore in a harmonic tempo. The frogs and crickets chirped in a sweet lullaby that made the boys eyes close as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The comforting sounds of the camp had followed Percy into his dreams.

In and out. Ebb and flow. Push and pull. The deep blue-green water flowed over his feet as he stared off into the moonlit sky. The stars seemed brighter than normal this night, and the moon was full.

He took a deep breath, and inhaled the sweet smell of the woods that surrounded him. Damp, fresh, and crisp. He stood like that for a while, just watching and feeling content.

Snap. Crack.

Behind him he heard soft and delicate foot steps. No. Not foot steps. Something heavier than that, not quite human.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

They came closer. Percy didn't turn around, he just waited.

A golden monument of a beast appeared beside him. Percy slowly turned to his left to be met with, a lion? A great lion. His mane was full and gold-no- it was nearly white in the moonlight. It reminded him of her. Seraphina

The lion chuffed.

His eyes met Percy's, but Percy was not afraid. This glorious beast was larger than a normal lion he had seen in a zoo, but he was not frightening. He was calm, and quiet.

The lion chortled and his head cocked sideways.

"I know you" Percy said. "You look familiar."

He thought he was crazy. Thinking that a lion looked familiar was definitely crazy.

A low growl came from the lions throat. He chuffed and his front paws stomped the ground, almost insisting Percy to finish his thought.

He studied the lion. His piercing steel- gray eyes narrowed into Percy's. Almost like-

The lion roared in a blood curdling volume, making waves across the lake.

He shot awake. The morning light was coming through the open window, but it was still early. The sun peaked over the treeline. Percy rubbed his eyes. Outside his window, a little in the distance, sat her.

Knees folded under her, staring off into the lake.


Grover picked Percy up to go grab breakfast before training began.

"I slept so great, nothing beats home." Grover gave a big goofy smile and stretched. "You sleep?"

"Yeah, I had this crazy dream though." Percy started.

"Hm, what was it about?" Grover rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"It was weird, I was in camp and next to the lake there was this huge lion and-" Grover stopped.

"A lion?" He asked, Percy nodded. Grover raised an eyebrow.

"A huge lion?" He persisted. "Yes, that's what I said." Percy sassed.

"How strange." Grover said, as he continued walking.

"Yeah it was, and I swear it looked just like Seraph-" Grover stopped again and swung around to fully face Percy.

"Don't, Percy." Grover shook his head. "Not today." He continued walking.

"Whats today? What are you talking about?" Percy questioned.

Grover looked around cautiously, then grabbed Percy and dragged him behind a tree.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing?" Percy grumbled. "Shh!" Grover shushed, then sighed. He ran his hands over his face and put a hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Today is the anniversary of Leo Gold's death." Grover said, sadly.

"Who?" Percy asked, wondering why Grover thought he knew who that was

"Leo Gold? The only half blood son of Hera and late twin brother to Seraphina? Ring a bell?" Grover raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't know Seraphinas last name was Gold." Percy uttered remorsefully. Grover pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why does that have to do with my dream?" Percy asked.

Grover just sighed. "Were you listening at all when I was telling you about the Gold family?"

Percy flattened his lips. "I kinda zoned after we finished talking about the Oracle proclaiming that I would bag a babe, sorry." He scratched his neck.

Grover hit his forehead, hard.

"You know what, it's fine. Listen now. Leo Gold was a big deal here, Percy. He was a crazy powerful Demi-God, nearly as strong as Seph. One of his gifts from his mother was the ability to transform into a great lion, Heras sacred animal, at will." Grover explained impatiently.

Percy looked confused. "I thought Heras sacred animal was a Peacock? I guess that wouldn't be as cool to turn into." Percy trailed off and Grover groaned.

"One of them Percy, a lion is one of her sacred animals. Just- let's get back to your dream. I think it's just odd that you had a dream of a huge lion that resembled Leo's, the day of his death anniversary." Grover said flattly. Percy nodded his head.

"Did the lion... do anything?" Grover asked. Percy shook his head. "He really only looked at me, then made this noise a few times... it sounded like, a sneeze? Then I thought how much he looked like Seraphina, which now looking back is a weird comparison, and then once I thought that he roared like crazy loud! Then I woke up."

Grover just looked at him, dumbfounded, and stayed silent for a few moments.

"Okay, we will address this" he motioned to Percy "later. But for now, whatever you do, don't bring it up to Seraphina. I'm sure she's having a tough time as it is today."

From a distance, they heard the sound of swords swishing and clanging against eachother, yelling and chanting of campers, and then an oof.

"Come on! Is that all you got? Gimme someone who can stand a chance." A female voice echoed through the camp. As they turned the corner, they saw Seraphina standing tall over a boy, who looked around her age, on the ground.

In each hand, opal twin swords reflected in the sunlight. Her long hair was dancing in the breeze and she looked over her shoulder, and made direct eye contact with Percy.

She held up a single blade and pointed it at him.

"Youre next."

DEUS EX MACHINA | PERCY JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now