The Golden Comb

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After breakfast, the group got ready and began loading into the car. Seraphina refused when Percy offered to drive again, after all he was only 15 with a learners permit.

"Last I heard from Mr. D, Hermes was down in Kill Devil Hills. We're up in Corolla now so it's about a 45 minute drive. Does anyone have to use the bathroom or get anything before we leave?" Seph asked.

"No, mother, we all went potty." Clarisse retorted and smiled at Seph through the rearview mirror. Seph rolled her eyes and opened the garage door before backing out and heading off.

"You know, this would be a lot faster if I just finished this mission alone." Seph said, Percy quickly turned his head around to face her and stared daggers into the side of her head. "I can fly, I would get there in 10 minutes, tops." Seph explained.

"That's not funny Seph, none of us are leaving." Clarisse stated frankly. The car fell silent. "Leo was important to all of us, we want to help." Clarisse finished and Seraphina gripped the steering wheel tighter. Everytime she heard someone speak his name she felt like she was losing another part of herself.

Percy put his hand on her forearm and felt her body relax almost instantly, it was like magic. "I just want you guys to understand how dangerous this could be. I don't think I can handle losing anymore people. I'd feel better if I did this by myself knowing you were all safe back at camp." Seph spoke quietly.

"And I would feel better knowing you wouldn't be facing Ares alone." Percy said scrunching his nose. Seph looked at him and her eyes softened. She didn't want to admit it but she wanted him here too, regardless of how selfish it felt, he made her feel okay. His presence seemed to calm her even in her most violent rage.

She just nodded and continued focusing on the directions before turning on some music. Percy still had a tight but gentle grip on her forearm. She had it placed in her lap while steering with her other hand, but she didn't mind. It was as if he was reassuring himself that she was still there, with him.

She felt her heart flutter, but she kept a straight face.


They arrived in Kill Devil Hills just before 11. Sephs GPS took them to an incredibly large beach house, larger than one that the Gold's had.
But there was an eerie emptiness about the house that made Sephs house feel more like a home.

They began approaching the front door and Percy walked in front of Seph and knocked three times.

No answer.

He rang the doorbell.

No answer.

Seraphina tapped her foot impatiently and began walking around the sides of the house. She grabbed the top of the fence of the backyard and hoisted herself up to peak over. No one in sight.

"He must not be home." Annabeth shrugged, peering up into the windows.

"No he has to be home." Seph insisted, and within seconds her wings materialized and she shot into the air. She flew over the house and towards the coastline.

It was quiet for a few minutes, and Percy began to worry. He searched the skies and went to look over the fence where Seph had peeked.

Within seconds of Percy's near-meltdown, Seraphina landed on the doorstep.

"Found him, he's down on the beach, let's go." Seph stated quickly before flying back above the house and swooping down to the sand. Rose fluttered upward and followed.

DEUS EX MACHINA | PERCY JACKSONWhere stories live. Discover now