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Luca's Pov


It's 7:05 am and I haven't gotten ready yet but thanks to my mom, she's helping my daughter to get ready for school. now I'm already showered just trying to find a simple outfit for the day.

I wore a Ralph Lauren cream colour of casual long sleeve zipper sweatshirt with a white shirt for the inside layer and a high waist cream colour pant suit also a loafers. I sprayed a little of
YSL Libre perfume then take my phone and wallet before I walk out from my room to downstairs.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw my mom in the kitchen with my daughter's lunchbox and her backpack then help my daughter. I grab an apple before picking my daughter and her lunchbox. I hugged my mom then we said goodbye before going out to my car. I unlocked the door,placed my daughter in her car seat before buckled her up then I got into the driver seat and drove off of her school.

At 7:27 am thankfully we arrived before 7:30 am at her school gate. I rushed to her door and unbuckled her seatbelt, picked her up with her lunchbox and walk to the school teacher who's waiting at the gate.

"Good morning,Miss Blake. We're a bit late than usual,sorry for making you're waiting too long."

"Good morning to you too,Miss Sinclair, and don't worry it's not that late. May i take her lunchbox?"

"yeah sure!" I passed her my daughter's lunchbox before putting her down. I crouched down to her level my hands on hers and said

"be a good girl for the teachers,yeah? I'll pick you up after school then we'll go see yours friends at the lighthouse like usual. then we go do anything you want only if you be good. I don't want to hear the teachers talking about bad behaviours of you,okay? promise me." I said to her while smiling softly.

"Okay,mama. I promise I'll be good for the teachers. byebye,mama. I will miss youu" said her with a cute smile plastered on her face before she kissed me on both cheeks while I do the same before standing up and watch her and Miss Blake walk into the school.

I then walking back to my car and drove to my favourite cafe to get some breakfast before heading to my office. Half and hour later,I arrived at the cafe. I stepped out of the car, locked it then walked into the cafe. i greeted the staff and walked into the counter.

"Morning Rea. What can I get for you today? or you'll get your usual?" asked Julie,my friend and the owner of the cafe. i used to work here sometimes only when there's no one to work because of sickness or something else, Julie will call me for help. "Morning.I'll take the usual please,Juls. How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm doing good. The café has been busy lately and I think I need to hire more staff also need a renovation for the café making it more bigger so that more people can come in. I'll send your order at the table." said Julie.

"Ahh You're going to be richy rich,huh? well if you need any help with anything just call me. I'll be happy to help buttt I want two iced americano in return" I smiled playfully at her.

"Fine fine I'll do it IF I need your help. Now go wait at the table shuh shuh. You're stopping the line." I chuckled at her shooing me away and i make my way to the table near the window and sat on the chair that facing the door. I pulled out my phone to see if I have any important meetings for today.

My assistant has sent me a schedule for today and I have two meetings. One with the VitaConstruct Innovations Enterprise and two with the contractors about our project. Hopefully it'll finish before 12 or I'm going to break the promise with my daughter and trust me I don't want that. It feels awful.

Julie got me my order and I headed out to my car. Start the engine and drive to my company while I take a few sips of my iced americano. Ten minutes later,i arrived at the company and parked my car. I walked through the entrance and all the staff greeted me and I did the same.

As I walk into my office, a stack of files on the desk are waiting for me to check and sign. I sigh and shake my head. Just because I rarely come to work it doesn't mean there's no files for me to work on. I mean I'm the boss. . . .why do i have to work on THAT stack of files. What are the assistants for?? But guess what,my wife always said

'if there's no hard work, how are you going to handle the job when you don't know anything about it'

So I put aside my food and analyse all the files where I can work on from the easiest to the hardest to finish. At 10:45 am , I have to stop for a while because the owner of the VitaConstruct Innovations Enterprise is here so I need to get ready for the meeting.

I called two of my assistants. Cindy,my assistant and the second one is Mary. Two of them are coming with me to the conference room. Cindy is holding my plans and Mary is going to take a note from the meeting.

All of the staff and important people are here so we start talking and discussing about the project. We've been dealing with a few problems of the materials and the site of the project. We are explaining our own way to solve the issues. Also what kind of meeting if we don't have any disagreement with each other, yeah we fought about whose ideas is better. In the end,none of the ideas are used
because we come up with another idea that we have planned together.

Author note ')

so far this is what i got out of my head in two days. the idea just comes out of nowhere so i have to let it out or i can't focus on smth else. I'm also not doing well with my unknown sickness it is tiring me(i got my nose bleed today) but I'll try to update more often. byebye love ones :}

|Apr 12 24|

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