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Luca stayed at the event until it ended. She helps the crew clean up the place a little before going back outside to her car. She drove to the nearest hill for her to clear her mind. She parked her car and sat on the trunk with a few cans of cokes beside her while she sat with crossed legs.

The place is not that hidden it is just near the small side of the buildings. There are a few people walking by the sidewalk down the hill and some of them are around the hill with their friends, I think.

The night view will never disappoint her, one of the reasons are Luca know her wife will be watching her from up there and will always be with her. It's one of their things when they go out together. They also carved their name on one of the trees. L and A will always be together no matter what. That's what they carved at the trees.

Luca's phone start to ring and she look at the numbers, it's Maeve. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey Fiore, when are you coming home? Hazel is sleeping already." said Maeve. " it's 12:33 am soooo 2 am, maybe?" "2 am?? dude, what are you doing outside that late?" asked her to Luca as she's very concerned about her friends.

"It's off day tomorrow so I'm free the whole day. Plus today was good and it's tiring me but I just need some breather. You know I'm always like that when something big happened. . ."
"I know, Fiore. I know but you don't to stay up that late. You're mom is going to kill me if she finds out I'm not strict enough to you."

She chuckled at her friend words about her mom. Maeve is right though. Luca's mom is something else when she's in the wrong mood. One mistake and everything is gone but she's a sweet person just strict on certain things. She's also very understanding person and she knows her daughter very well and what her daughter will do when something pressuring her. That's something that Luca's mom doesn't want Luca to do cause it will eat her up someday and that's not a good thing.

Luca stayed there until she feels long enough that she needs to go home. She cleans the place and throws away the trash. While She's cleaning up she bumped into a woman, she looks up and it was her. Elizabeth.

"Oh hey you. What are you doing here?" asked Luca to her, concerned on the woman in what she did at this time of the day. Elizabeth replied "I'm just walking around here to take some fresh air. My house is just in this area anyway so I thought to walk here since I've never tried to. What are you doing here?"

"The same as you with my car over here. Do you want me to send you home?" "oh no it's fine. I'm okay walking back home. I have work tomorrow so I have to get home now. No offence, I would love to keep the conversations going but I need to get some sleep so Goodnight. . . .Luca."

Luca smiled at her even though Elizabeth kindly rejected her offer but that's okay for Luca. She dont want to make someone feels uncomfortable so as a response she just nod "Okay if you said so and don't worry I won't take something seriously. Goodnight to you too, Elizabeth." they both smiled one last time before Elizabeth walk away to her house. Luca watches her from a far when she get the idea to follow Elizabeth's home not as a stalker or anything just to make sure she's home safe.

Luca started her car then drive slowly and a bit far from Elizabeth. About 12 minutes Luca follows her until Elizabeth's arrived at her house. Luca smiled at the scene and drove away back to her mansion. 20 minutes later she parked her car at the garage under that was hidden under the house just like a under ground garage.

Luca is kind of a interesting person because she loves everything. In this garage there's a lot of cars any different brand of cars. She sold half of them because she doesn't use it anymore. So she just have 6 cars in her garage and the one she's using today is a CLA Coupe 220 a white colour.

Back to the story, She got into the elevator and pressed level 2. The elevator door opens and she walks towards her daughter room. She open the door slightly and see her daughter sleeping peacefully then close it and walk to her room to change. When she's about to wear the t-shirt, Maeve burst into the room startling her.

"What the heck Maeve?! can't you knock or just open the door slowly" said Luca a bit annoyed at her friend actions. "Sorry, Fiore but I just want to check on my friend, can't I?" said Maeve as Luca sighed at her. "I know just do it properly, you're startling me. What do you want?"

"Nothing just want check on you and you seems find and now I want to annoy me but it already worked so I guesss. . . .watching movies downstairs." "Whatever. Are you staying here tonight?" "mhm I did. I don't have anything tomorrow too so I guess we can go out tomorrow. What do you think?"

Luca replied to her with "sure" then force her friend to go out from her room. She lays in her bed thinking what is she going to do tomorrow with Maeve. She texts her assistants, Maria, to cancel the dinner with the agents from Belgium tomorrow and change the day to Wednesday.

She turned around so that she was on her left side and her eyes looked at the frame picture of her family, she smiled at that. Both Alexis and her family in a family vacation together. She missed that moment. Where everyone she loves gathered at one place and just having fun with each other presence. But the smiles dropped when the thought of that moment is not going to happen anymore and is not going to be the same. She closed her eyes and fall asleep.

|Apr 22 24|

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