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After Luca's meeting with the VitaConstruct Innovations Enterprise finished,they moved to the second meeting with the contractors. She and her assistants drove to the construction site to see the landscape they have discussed. So far the percentage of the building frame is only 15% complete. They walk around inspecting the work and asking the workers how they are doing with their job. . . It's just Luca being the good boss.

When they finished making observations, the three women drove back to the company. As Luca walks into her office,she looks at her watch and the watch shows that it's 11:40 am so it's time for her to pick up her daughter.

She gathered all her things and put it in her backpack before going back down to her car. While she was driving she thought of picking up the food stocks at Juls before getting her daughter so she changed the direction to Juls café.

10 minutes later she arrived at the café and parked her car rightly in front of the café entrance. She walked to the counter and asked Julie about the box. Julie said it's in the back so Luca made her way to the back of the kitchen and picked up the boxes. There were two boxes so she just stacked them up and picked it up in her car. . . she's strong, isn't she? anyways, as she settled with the boxes, she drives back to her daughter's school.

She parked her car again and stepped out of the vehicle to her daughter and the teacher that waited patiently at the gate. She greeted them and say thank you to the teacher and walk back to her car with her daughter in her arms. Then, she started driving again to the next destination, The Lighthouse Center.

Now, The Lighthouse Center is a place where all the abandoned children live. She build this place with her brothers 5 years ago with all the funds they got. At this place, is where they will take a good care of the childrens until someone adopt them or until they reach 18. . .just like all the other adoption center just a better one.

This place is the same age as Luca's daughter. Why? because the day that they launched the opening of the center, it's the same day they found out that Luca's wife is pregnant with her daughter. Also, her daughter really love this place because she got a lot of friends to play with and somewhere where she felt safe.

As Luca parked her car, she get her daughter out first and let her go play with her friends before she picks up the boxes into the place. She placed the box in the kitchen and sort it out to the place where they belong. The person who is in charges there, Melinda,come in to the kitchen with smile on her face as she greet Luca.

"Hello,Miss Sinclair"

"Hi,Linda and i told you to call me Luca. Don't be formal with me and you're older than me so that sounds like I'm not being respectful to you" said Luca to Melinda.

"Right. Sorry it's a habit I guess. What did you bring in today?"

"Mmm I got the usual one and the other one is cakes and donuts from Juls. Uhh is there anything else that were run out of stock?"

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