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Today I have to go to set to shoot a few scenes and re-do another scene from last week. I walked through the security then straight to my trailer to store things before going to the makeup trailer.

I enter the makeup trailer and they greeted me. I sat on the chair and let them do their work. We chatted about something and of course a bit gossip who knows what. When they finished doing my make up, I get my costume and change into it.

I walk towards the side of the set for the scene that we need to shoot and saw the others talking so I made my way to them. "Hey guys" grinning to them as I stand beside Florence. Scarlett is nowhere to be found but I'm sure she's around here somewhere.

All of us talking and laughing at
Anthony and Sebastian arguing about something. Then the producers called us to take our position and just then Scarlett appeared with a distressed look on her face but I ignore it first cause we need focus on our scene.

Almost 40 minutes, We do our scene and then messed up again like, guys. . . I'm tired. Eventually, we got a short break from the producers. I was drinking my water when someone tapped my shoulder and it was Florence, I smiled.

"Oh hey, Flo. What's up?" "I was thinking if  you, me and Scarlett have dinner together tonight?" asked her to me so I nod at her. "Sure! I would love to. It's been a long time since we spent time together. . . .but why only us?" I asked her since why it's only us three and not with the others.

"The others said they wanted to do something fun tonight so I let them be. I don't think we want to know what they have planned. I'm pretty sure it's risky" said her giggling at the thought of the boys plans. Surely something that can make a big problem.

"Yup. You're right. It was never a good one so it's a great move not to join them." we chatted for awhile before continue our job. So far everything went well and hopefully we will finish this before dinner or our only choices will be fast food.



Today has been a hell day for me. Everything seems to be not in their places. I'm so stressed right now with the projects and the sudden meetings. . . I could blow up. I didn't even get to eat my breakfast and now I think I'm going to missed my lunch.

I've been yelling at the employee for hours and they still make the same mistakes over and over again. Now I'm on my way to meet this important person that hopefully can help with my projects. I'm driving as fast as I can and I'm fucking late.

I don't care if I got a fine for speeding, but this is much more important to me than a little paper. Plus I can just pay them so that's not going to be a problem. I hope they're still waiting for me so that we can discussed this further.

As I arrived at the place, I got out of my car and ran inside it with plans and the drawings of the building in my hands. I stopped at the receptionist and asked them if the person are here. Guess what they said to me. . .THEY LEFT. I was so frustrated and angry that I just threw away the drawings.

I got outside of the place angrily and kick the sands off. Groaned in stressed in how do I'm gonna make this work. I take a few deep breaths hopefully can calm me down (not really) them get into my car and drive back to the office.

It's going to be a longgg day. I walked into the conference room and stopped at the centre looking at the employee angrily. All of them is worried and shitting themselves up. One thing that the people who worked in this company don't want to see is the bad side of their boss.

"Did you know. . . that we have lost the  ONLY person who can help us to succeed in this project?" says me to them in a firm tone trying not to let the anger out on them. As I said that to them, they immediately look down knowing what's going to happened soon.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and I let out a heavy sigh. "Now. . . .I want ALL of you to get another person for this to replaced them. While I want Kay's group to contact them back. Arrange them to meet me again. Do you understand?" They nodded quickly as they took notes about it.

I dismissed them and walked back to my office. continue making this get on their way again but this time would be much better. I worked until it passed 8pm then I realised it's already late and I supposed to be at home by now. I thought I can stay here overnight finishing the work when my phone ring.

I swiped then answered the call "Hello? Maeve? what's wrong? I'm going home la-" and before I could finish my sentences she cuts me. "Luca?! You need to come now! Ha-Hazel. . . she's fai-" I cut her off when I heard she mentions Hazel.

"What! what happened to her?? Is she okay? what happened, Maeve?" I asked her panicking as I try to find my car keys. "We're on the way to the hospital right now. We were just eating at this restaurant when she suddenly can't breath. I-i thought she was choking so I helped her but then I realised it's her symptoms of  her allergies. I called the ambulance and waited for them while I keep her breathing. They forgot to take out the shellfish from the dish."

"Which hospital? I'm on my way" I hung up and ran to my car not caring about the sounds of horn towards me. Maeve send me the hospital they're going to and I start to drive there. I drive as fast as I can pushing the gas to the limit trying to be as fast as I could because all I care about right now is my daughter.

And if anything happens to her. . . I'm not forgiving myself and I'm surely broke our promises. 'Don't worry sweetheart, I'm on way.' The words that has been replaying on mind.

|May 2 24|

sorry for not update like usual and keep you guys waiting. i got a lot of things coming up recently and I'm trying to focus onto it. i hope this chapter will make it up to you. ;)

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