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I shake her hand and smile to her. I'm not lying when I say she's beautiful and don't judge me but I don't think I've seen her before. She is just full of surprise with her appearance with the jumpsuits and her looks. Beautiful.

Then Mk asks me "How's the show?"
and I reply with "That was fantastic. The designs are very. . . . elegant and really amazed me. Congratulations to both of you." The show is great with the theme of the designs are really good and lovely

"Thank you, Luca. But I must compliment you about this gallery arts. It's Amazing and the paintings are really beautiful, it also makes me feel the feeling of the arts" said Mk to me, about this place but they thought it was mine when it belonged to my wife.

"Oh thank you very much but it's actually belongs to my wife. She is a painter and a architecture but since she passed away, I've been taking care of with the help from all the staff" I said to them with a soft smile as I remembered that how much Alexis love this place.

"We're sorry to hear that. How long has it been since she left?" ask Ashley. "About five years now since the third day she gave birth to our daughter."
"Not to be rude but how old are you now?"

"28 years old. It has been 7 years of our marriage. She really loves this place and she just put her name for this place but randomly placed the words." "I see that. Well you have been a great care taker for this place and I'm sure she'll be proud of you." "Thanks guys. I appreciate it and please if you have anything you want to call me and I'll be glad to help."

"Oh we're sure are will someday. I would just stay here anytime I want, right Liz?" ask Ashley to her little sister. "Oh yeah me too. Maybe I will buy some of the painting to put in my living room at my house in LA." said Elizabeth to us. I would love to sell her the paintings, I mean some of them are suits for her vibes. I'm sure it'll look great in her house.

"Sure, you can take a look at the painting if you want and just tell me whi- wait someone's calling me. I have to take this. Excuse me." I walk away and answer the call.


"Hey. I'm at the counter now. Where are you? there's a lot of people in her and- OMG IS THAT HOSHI FROM SEVENTEEN?? AND CHARLIZE THERON?! OMG"

I pull away the phone from my ears as she screamed into the phone. "Maeve! I'm going to be deaf if you keep screaming like that. What is wrong with you?!" I chuckle at her.

"Sorry but how can't I not get excited when I just saw my favourite celebs. Please let me have their autograph, Fiore."

"Right but don't do that again or I'm going to lose my hearing. I'm going to get Hazel, stay there" and I ended the call.



I saw her walking away from us to answer the phone call when Ashley nudge me. I look at them confused.

"What?" "oh come on, what with that look,huh? The constant peeping at her and that flustered look in your face says something. What happened?" asked Mk.

"Nothing. She just-well. . . I'd say very attractive to me so can't blame me for staring when we see someone that looks good." "I knew it. Ashley give the $50." I instantly look at them both back and forth, confused on what Mk talking about. "$50? what are you guys talking about?" ask me.

"Well since you kind of don't have anyone for years, Me and Mk put on a bet the reason why you're single. Mk said you're like woman and I says you're just picky. So she won the bet. I'll transfer it to you later, Mk" I'm offended when I heard that they bet on me. . . also what?? Am I just worth $50. That's offensive.

"You guys are crazy. I'm going to the bathroom. Take care of my purse, I'll be back." I leave my purse and drinks on the table at the twins and walk to the bathroom. After I done making my business, I saw someone walking with a little kid to the front counter. It was her. Luca with a small little girl and. . . .other woman? They were hugging and talking while the little girl in that woman's arm.

Who is she and why do they look so close? God, the arm touching, hugging again, and this time with a kiss on her cheeks?? I would've kill- wait wait. . . .why did I feel jealous? why am I feel mad? what is happening to me. . . ugh I don't give a damn care. This is just stupid.

I walk pass the twins to the beverages side and drinks two glass of champagne. Oh that's feels good. Pheww I'm good now. I go back to the twins and they look at me with shocked face and I just shrugged.

I'm going to enjoy tonight before going back to work tomorrow. Why can't I get some more days off of work? like Scarlett's got a whole week off. . . . they're picky. Anyway, I let myself wander around and talk to everyone that I know while looking at every piece of arts in this gallery.



I hugged and kissed Maeve on the cheek and my daughter too before waving them off since Maeve to take care of Hazel while I'm still here until the events ended. I walk back to the center find the twins before talking to them again.

"Hey guys." I said to them with a smile on my face and a glass of red wine of Cabernet in my hand.

"Hey. Where did you go?" ask Mk. "Well my best friend are here to get my daughter back home with her since I have to stay here until both events are off" said me as I take a few sips of the wine.

"Oh you brought your daughter with you? Is she okay with this crowded place?" ask Ashley curiously at me. "Yeah she's okay with things like this. Hazel used to crowded place like this since she was 3 so it's nothing to her. She has her own space in here so she'll just be in her own reality while we're having fun in here."

"Her name is Hazel? Awww that's a beautiful name. She must be brave enough to used to this kind of events. She also sounds cute when you mentioned her. I think I want to see her, can I, Luca?" asked Ashley at me. She seems kinda interested in Hazel. That is. . . .weird.

"Of course you can. She really love this kind of fashion show. She just like her mommy, very interested in life of arts. Fashion, painting, pictures or any sorts of something that represents 'arts' she'll love it. Sometimes when I go shopping for my clothes, I'll bring her with me to choose which one is better and she's really good at it."

"Aww she's even choose a clothes for her mom. That is so adorable. I can't wait to see her" I know my daughter is adorable and no one can beat it.

|Apr 21 24|

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