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~|Evergreen Hill Hospital|~

I got out of the car when I arrived at the hospital and saw Maeve and the medic taking out Hazel out of the ambulance. I ran towards them until I was hurriedly walking to the emergency room with them.

I tell the doctors and nurse begging them to save my daughter. Tears rolling down on my cheeks looking at my daughter who laying down on the hospital bed breathless.

Maeve is taking care my car and going to take Hazel's emergency back that has clothes and other things too for when something like this happen. I follow them to the room until the nurses stopping me from going in with them.

They told me to calm down and wait at the waiting room. I ask them to let me in but they can't do that. So I walk to the waiting room and wait there, still crying and can't think anything anymore. Just hoping everything goes well.

I'm praying to god to save my daughter cause she's the only one I have and I don't to lose the last important thing in my life not after I lost my wife. Then, I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I look to my right side and saw her.




After we finished filming, Me and the girls to dinner at the restaurant that Florence has booked. We ate a delicious meal and chatted through the night. Then we said goodbye to Florence since I'm going home with Scarlett for a sleepover cause I wanted to see Rose.

Scarlett drove to her mom's house to pick up Rose. Rose actually have to stay at their house but Scarlett need to work a bit longer so she decided to leave Rose at her mom's.

Rose was surprised to see me in the car and immediately crashed into my legs hugging it. We said goodbye to Scarlett's mom and drives back to Scarlett's house. Rose talked about her day and we listened to her talking happily.

"We are here!" says Scarlett with melody in her words. "I pick her up and you take her things" suggested me to Scarlett since I want to spend time with Rose while I can before going back to LA.

Scarlett's rolls her eyes but give in since she knows why and pick up the bags. I open the door in Rose's side unbuckle her seatbelt and pick her up into my arms. Walking back into the house but stopped at the door waiting for Scarlett to open it cause the keys are in her handbag.

After we settle in, I make a snacks for a movie night with them then I waited at the living room. Scarlett walk downstairs with Rose in her arms giggling to her jokes probably. We sat down on the couch together watching a comedy movies laughs at the jokes that appeared on the screen.

We only got to watch two movies before Rose decided to play so me and Scarlett play with her so that when she's tired, she would get down to bed easily says Scarlett. Everything's going great until Rose screaming filled the house and we get to her, Bloods dripping down her head and tears rolling down on her cheeks.

Scarlett and I shocked at the scene that we're seeing and start to panic. Scarlett go to the kitchen to get some cloth to wipe and hold the blood on her daughter's head while searching for a car keys.

I drove to the hospital and we passed through emergency room. Both of us clearly got her blood on our hands, it's not that bad but the blood still coming out and thankfully the doctor said since her wound is not that deep but still need a stitches.

So I waited for them both at the waiting room while Scarlett go with Rose to help her calm down since her crying is going to make it worse. Minutes later, I saw another person comes in and sat a few chairs away from me.

They look so stressed, worried and sad. I was thinking to try help them cool down but I thought they needed a space. I looked at them a few times and I slowly realised that she looks like someone I know. Yes. HER. Anyway, I slowly got closer and I patted her shoulder as I called out her name.

Those eyes. That beautiful blue eyes that has changed to a bloodshot red eyes from crying really hurts me. She said my name in a question tone and I can't think of any other way to say or do cause I immediately bring her into a into my arms hugging her hopefully she's okay with it.

She didn't break down fully on me. . .I guess she's holding back her feelings, she's still crying but not like a heavy one. I do my best to comfort her and after some time she's stopped crying and pulls away from the hug which really hurts me cause I want to keep hugging her but I understand if she doesn't have full trust enough on me or she's not comfortable for it.

"Are you okay now?" asked me softly to her while I rub her shoulder. She smiled a little and said "Mhm I'm-i'm. . .okay now. Thanks for the hug. What are you doing here and why you have blood on you?" Asked her to me wondering why am I here.

"I'm here with my friend, Scarlett, uh her daughter needs some stitches so I'm waiting for them to finish." she nodded her head and then silent again so I make a move. "What are you doing here? You look like stressed right now." she looks hesitate to say why but eventually she told me.

"My daughter got her allergies. She was with my friend for dinner since I'm working late and I-i got a call from her that she's having allergy symptoms and on their way here. This is the first time it happened and before this we were really really careful of what she's eating. She's allergic to seafood and she's too stubborn to listen to my friend and the chef forgot to take out the shellfish from the food and now she's. . .she's here." said her worriedly about her daughter's condition.

|May 7 24|

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