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The sounds of birds chirping as the sun flashing inside of my room as I woke up slowly. My phone's vibrate as notifications comes in. I take my phone and look at the message before I unlock it. Scarlett just texted me asking when I'll be at her house and she just send Rose to her school.

I texted her back that I'll be there in an hour so I got up to shower and change into white shirt and a black jacket with jeans then I put on a make up and my hair in a ponytail before going downstairs. I got my car key, locked the door and got into my car and started driving. I stop at a small pastry shop to buy some bagels and coffee then start driving again to Scarlett's house.

20 minutes later, I've arrived at her house as I parked my car. I got out of the car, locked it and walked into her stepdoor.

I ring the doorbell and waited for her to open.

The door opens and Scarlett's at the door smiling as she sees me.

"Hey, come in" she says smiling at me. I walked into her house straight to the kitchen and placed the bagels and the coffee on the counter."I brought some bagels and coffees for us."

"Thanks Liz. How are you doing? any interesting secrets you wanted to tell me" she says with a smirk on her face while she takes out bagels onto the plate. I scoffed playfully at her and said "First of all, I'm good thanks for asking and I don't have anything to tell you but I'm getting busy this year. Everyone just keep on adding me to their work. It's crazy"

"Really? well that's good for you. Me and Colin were planning to go on a vacation after we wrap up this film. Then, I need to do lots of work on my products with Kate plus Colin need to continue his work with Che one week after we wrap up. What's your plans after we finish this?"

"mm. . . .I don't know probably rearrange my schedule before I start working on new projects. I think I'm going to find someone before my mom does. She's annoying. . . always asking when will have a partner blah blah blah." said me sighing.

Scarlett put her hand on my shoulder comforts me and said "it's okay. . . . you'll find them soon enough. Our soulmate will not going anywhere. What are we going to do before Rose's home?"

Me and Scarlett chilling in her lounge and after some time her son, Cosmo, woke up. I played with him and talking with Scarlett about everything until it's time to pick up Rose. Scarlett said she will take Rose home and I'll be waiting here with Cosmo so when they're home Rose will be surprise when she sees me.

For the rest of the day, the four of us spend time together before Rose's dad come to pick her up to go back home in France. It's not good when it's time for her to leave, she cried and sad but I made a deal with her that we'll do something fun when she comeback here and that when well. She agree to it and follow her dad easily. That leaves me, Scarlett and Cosmo.

I'm telling you Cosmo is freaking cute, and that sweet smile and laugh was adorable. I've always wanted a family like Scarlett. Just me and my partner with our kids. I smiled at the thought but then I think again when will I have that and with who. . . .I hope I can find them someday.



Today we do are usual routine with breakfast and send my daughter to her school then drive back to my office. My mum is flying back to Thailand today, she said she missed her house, her friends and her salon. I swear I told her to stay here a few more days but she just keep bragging about who's going to take care her salon? what about her house blah blah blah. It's not like there's no one over there. There's a bodyguard, maids even my brother is also there and she make it look like she lives alone.

I was doing my work when I got a phone call from my wife's art museum manager. He told me about the fashion show's of the brand wanted to see me and ask more about the details of the place. I ask him when and he said at 2pm, I look at the clock it's 11:19 am so in three hours. I agreed to him and hang up.

I work and did a few phone calls before sending back all the files to my Maria. Today I don't need to pick up Hazel cause today my best friend going to take her today since she's been begging me to go out with Hazel so today I let her.

I work until 1:28 pm and rush to my car then start to drive to Xialès cause it's a bit far away from here so I have to go early. I put on some music and Maeve, my best friend, send me their photos eating ice cream and the amusement park, they are having fun. . . that's good at least Hazel is happy.

Anyway, after a long drive, I parked my car and get out of the car and locked it. I walk in into the staff room asking for the manager. He came up to me and told me everything what they have been discussed. Two woman walk to us and they are twins, that's cool.

They are the owner of The Row brand and they wanted to do their fashion show here on sunday but on the same day we have exclusive exhibition that's why we here to talk about both events. After a long talk we've decided to do it both at once. Because they wanted to use the whole museum and not the part where they can use it just like a specialized fashion runway. We said goodbye and continue with our day.

Author note')

I hope this is good enough since I didn't post anything yesterday but today i will post two chapter as an apology;)

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