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Lizzie's Pov


The sound of the alarm ringing, begging for me to wake the hell up and press the button for it to stop. I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the lights as the sun going through the window into my room.

I stretch my arm to the bedside table reaching for my phone to turn off the alarm. I sat up and rubs my face to keep me more awake then i unlock my phone and see a message from my sisters.



Mary Poppins:
let's hangout today

yeah it has been a long time since we went out together...

what do you mean "a long time"??
we just met two days ago for lunch 😑

what can't we meet you cause you're our sister? plus mom wants to go shopping for her 'mom's meeting' with the neighbour. . .I wonder what it was about🤔

ouchh no need to be rude Ash. you're sound like you haven't beat someone in years. but I'm up for it. i missed mom.

Mary Poppins:
great we'll pick you up at 11?



I look at the time and it's 8:15 am already. I sleep again until 9:03 am. I get off the bed and made my bed before going into the bathroom to shower. I did my skin care routine after shower then walk to the closet searching on what can I wear for today.

I take out a brown jacket and a black shirt with a black pants. I dried out my hair and wore light makeup then I put on my phone case bag. I go downstairs and look at the clock to see at 9:40 am. I made myself a fruit yoghurt for my breakfast. After that, I turn on my laptop to check on the emails to see if I have anything this week. I only have one thing which is an interview with Jimmy Fallon on friday, I really love him like he know how to make the celebrities feel comfortable enough for the interview.

This week I got three days off from Kevin as he said they need to do a re-shoot on other scenes so they don't need me at the moment. I've been thinking on what can I do for this days off then my brain clicked like there's a lightbulb. Scarlett. I haven't seen Scarlett since monday cause she took a week off for something. . .I don't know but maybe we can ask her if she wants to hang out with me.

So I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. After a few rings, she answered the phone.


"Heyy. . .It's me Lizzie"

"Oh hey what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to ask if you are busy tomorrow?"

"Nope why? want to hangout?"

"Hehe you know me to well. Yeahh I got three days off until Saturday so I thought of you to hangout with since I haven't seen you from Monday."

"mhm sure. we can hangout. . . how bout tonight?"

"I'm actually going out with the twins and my mom today but I don't think they mind if you want to join us. . . it'll be fun though"

"How's Rose by the way? I really missed her"

"Nahh I think I'll let you with your fams tonight. we'll just meet tomorrow then you can spend the rest of the day with Rose before her dad pick her up. Rose has been begging to meet you but I said you are busy so meeting her tomorrow would be a great suprise"

"Great! we'll meet tomorrow morning. I'll come to your house around 9?"

"mhm that could work. I'll see you tomorrow, Liz"

"Okayy bye Scarlett"

After we said goodbye, I sat on the couch and watch some show until the clock hits 10:55 am. I got text from my sisters that they're here so I rushed to the door and locked it. I got into their car and they greeted me.

"Hey, Lizardd~" said Mk singingly "Hi guys. Where are we going?" "We're going to this café called 'Julie Juls' then we're going to pick up mom before shopping at the mall." said Ashley.

"mhm how's work?" I asked them.

"Just the same like always. Flying here and there to get the materials, the models. . .ugh it's tiring. How's yours?" Said Ashley again.

"great! Kevin just give me three days off cause they don't need me at the moment for the re-shoot scenes. At least, I got some rest after moving the body around like a grasshopper" Said me as I giggled.

"Yup sounds like you. I'm glad you can get some rest. Right! I forgot to mention that on Sunday, we're going to have a fashion show at Xiales Exhibit. It starts at 4pm until 9pm then we're going to have some after party. We really want you to be there. . . plus the exhibit are really really beautiful. Do you think you could attend that?" Ask Mk.

"I don't know but I'll try manage it with Daisy if I can go. . .but I don't think I have anything that day but we'll see"

"Great! I hope you can make it. . . anddd you're probably can find someone interesting there~" Said Mk teasingly. My eyebrows furrowed at the mentions of 'someone'. I know I haven't seen someone nor go on a date but I was busy of course I have NO TIME for that. I was about to protest when Ashley beat me off.

"Mk is right. Maybe you can meet someone there and who knows what's going to happen. I mean since you broke up with Boyd. . . youuu haven't been going out nor dating anyone that we know of. Like you always did sooo this is the time?"

"That thing with Boyd was ten years ago. I don't feel like getting to know anyone at the moment and when I get hired by Marvel I get really busy with filming, interviews, etc. Oh and for your information,I DID go out with someone but it didn't work out so. . ."

"Alright alright. Whatever you say but I suggest you find someone before mom does. You know what happens if mom takes over." Said Ashley. Then I heard she muttered something with. . . stubborn and old? Anyway, she's right whenever mom decides on something most of them are never good even though we told her about it She doesn't want to believe it.

Eventually we arrived at the café, we walked into the café and started ordering. While we were waiting for the order, we talked about a lot of things. Mk and Ashley are bickering at each other on something while my eyes wandered around the café giving calming and sooth vibes. I was looking at these decorations when my eyes caught a glimpse of the back of this woman who was carrying a box out of the cafe to her car. Even looking from her back she looks beautiful with her casual but elegant outfit. I wonder who she is. . .

|Apr 14 24|

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