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The next morning comes with a soft, golden light filtering through the curtains. Luca awakens to the alarm beside her, stretches her arm to turn it off. She remembers today she's going to get out with Maeve spending time together.

She walked into the bathroom, did her morning routines after shower and changed into a white shirt tucked into her jeans and a black jacket on top for the outside layer as she sprayed the Eilish perfume for today.

As she walked downstairs, a loud song can be heard in the kitchen with a voice alongside it. Luca leaned to the side at the kitchen entrance with her arms crossed looking at her crazy best friend singing and dancing in her kitchen.

"You should be more flexible, Eve." said Luca to Maeve jokingly. Maeve startled by the voice behind her, she turns around and look at her friend with a 'seriously' face. "Shut up and eat your breakfast, dumbass" said Maeve to Luca as she throw the apron to her.

Luca laughed when she got hit with the apron in the face by her friend. She hangs the apron then sits at the table beside her friend. Maeve did a breakfast for them a pancakes with a lot of toppings you can put in your plate.

As Luca is making her pancakes, she
asked Maeve about her daughter. "Where's Hazel?" "I've sent her to school this morning. I know you would be tired and woke up late than ever so I sent her for you. You should thank me with taking me to go to shopping today." said Maeve to Luca as she was joking about the last part but Luca took it seriously.

"Sure. I take you to shopping today. Thanks for handling Hazel for me this a few days. My treat for everything you want today." Maeve choked on her pancakes when she heard Luca say that to her seriously then she asked Luca. "Seriously? like. . . . anything I want?"

Luca hummed at her continuing eating her breakfast while Maeve is still in her unbelievable state. Half an hour later they've finished their breakfast and just chilling in the lounge. Luca asked Maeve when she wants to go out and Maeve said in one hour. She just needs some time to talk to her girlfriend while Luca rearranging her daughter's toys.

Luca and Maeve got into Luca's Range Rover and drove to the shopping centre. Maeve connect her playlist to the car's radio and play her playlist then vibing together with Luca.

20 minutes later, Luca parked her car then both of them got out of the car before walking into the mall. Usually when they go out like this only Maeve that will buy everything and Luca just following her with Maeve's shopping bags in her arms. But for today we will see if it's the same or something will change.

Maeve walked into a differents store to look at the clothes for her upcoming party. Oh wait. . .I didn't mention that to you guys yet. Hehe I forgot. Actually Maeve will host a party this week at her apartment and of course after the party they'll go to the club, that's a normal thing to do after like it would never enough. 

They got into various stores like, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Victoria Secret, etc. So as a lesson, please don't ask Maeve to go shopping with you or treat her something. Luca is already annoyed and kind of regrets at her when she's taking soooo long at every store and sometimes she comes out of the store without buying anything but spends time so long im there is going to pissed Luca off.

Luca is not that kind of person who  patients with everything. The patient changes with who she's spending time with but since she's her best friend. . . she just was quiet the whole time and just answered Maeve when she asked her to.

While Luca's waiting for Maeve finished doing her thing, she remembered that she needed to buy a new headphone since the one that she used broke into two. So the told Maeve that she'll be going to the apple store to buy the headphone. She left the bags at the stores bench with Maeve.

Luca's have been in the apple store for awhile now deciding on which colour should she pick. Blue or the grey one. While she is thinking about it someone approached her.

"Luca? is that you?" asked them. Luca turned around and her face was surprised at the person she look at.
"Tom? what are you doing here?" said Luca smiling at him. "I'm here with my friends. I was looking for a new ipad since the onlld one is damaged. What about you?" asked him.

"I'm here with Maeve. Do you remember her? she's busy looking for new things she's hosting a party this week and I'm here to buy this headphone but I've been deciding for a while which colour I should get." said her while looking at the headphones again.

Then, Tom nodded and picked up the blue one and give it to me. "Take this. It suits you more." she shrugged and walk with him to the counter to pay. After we paid our things, she invited Tom to Maeve's party and he can bring anyone with him but he said he'll check his schedule then he'll text her if he's going.

Before she could walk to the store where Maeve's are, someone tapped her shoulder. It's Maeve. Apparently, she's finished buy her things so she wants some food. Both of them go put their bags. . . but mostly hers into the car then walked again to the nearest restaurant.

After that, they go to the arcade, play different games, a bit rough must say cause they both are competitive. Then, they go to other places where to have fun before they go back home. Don't worry about Hazel though cause  one of Luca's brother will pick her up since her brother missed her niece so much and haven't see them both in months cause of his work at Turkey.

Later that night, the four of them, Luca, Maeve, Hazel and Jayden eating dinner together at one of their favourite restaurants. They talked about a lot of things, catching up with each other's lives.

|Apr 24 24|

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