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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•


When Marco found out his wife was expecting, he was all over the fucking moon. They were finally going to have a baby that they'd always wanted in the past six years of marriage, but no luck, even though they fucked like they were in heat.

Marco's happiness didn't last long; his wife, Valencia, fell sick—extremely sick—to the point she had to choose between her life or the baby's life. Every time Valencia looked at her big, ball-shaped stomach in the mirror, she felt proud of herself. She felt happy to have a life growing inside her, so she couldn't just let everything go.


Marco and Valencia were cuddling in bed, and Marco was reading a book about how to be a good parent out loud to his wife. They were both mentally taking notes; there were only a few months left for the baby to arrive.

Valencia was absent-mindedly rubbing her stomach when she felt her baby kick for the first time.

"MARCO!" she screamed her husband's name, excitedly pulling his hand to her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Marco asked worriedly.
"Shh and feel." It was a moment later when Marco felt his baby kicking his hand.

“My baby!” It was Marco's turn to scream in excitement.

Marco wasn’t aware of his wife’s illness; he didn’t know having the baby meant saying goodbye to his wife.

I don't wanna die, thought Valencia listening to her husband’s one-sided conversation with the tiny person growing up in her womb. No, she wasn’t afraid of dying, if it meant that her baby would live she wasn't afraid…she just wanted to see her child growing up.

"Why are you crying, sweetheart? Are they tears of joy?" asked Marco noticing his wife tears.

How Valencia wished that was the case. She just sadly smiled at her husband before saying, “We're finally having the baby” she wiped off her tears with the back off her hand. It was useless because more tears kept falling down her cheeks.

“Babe, you sure you, okay?” Marco asked but didn’t wait for an answer instead he rubbed his wife’s stomach and said in a scolding manner: “Stop kicking mommy you see she’s crying because your kicks are strong.”

Valencia forced her tears to stop and uttered with a smile: “Stop scolding my
baby…Continue reading the book and take notes. I want my baby to have the best parent in the world.”

not ‘parents?’ But Marco was too excited to notice the missing “s.”

Each day, Valencia got weaker, and when her husband asked her if she was okay, she would say, ‘I am fine, but pregnancy is making me tired.’

Marco believed her words until one day, when he was working in his office, the hospital called him and said his wife was giving birth in the next few minutes. From that call, Marco knew something was wrong; the baby was 3 months early.

When Marco reached the hospital, that's when he found out his wife was sick.

“I’m sorry for not telling you, Marco, but I don't regret my decision. I am happy that I kept the baby. You also don't regret my decision. Be happy that we are having a baby. You’re ready, sweetheart. You can and will be the best parent in the world. Now wipe off those tears and smile; the baby wants to meet you now.”


That was the last day Marco saw his wife alive. That day, everything made sense to him and answered his question: why had his wife encouraged him to learn all about babies while she stood next to him recording and suddenly started crying? She was preparing him because she knew she wasn't going to be around for long.

A week later after burying his wife, Marco’s father was shot to death and as the only son Marco took over his family mafia.

Marco was an incredibly good father to his daughter. He gave her baths, fed her, calmed her down when she was crying, and played with her; he only needed the nanny's help when he was away doing some business.

Despite the years his wife passed Marco never recovered. He was happy to be with his daughter, but without Valencia Marco always felt incomplete. While other kids played with toys Marco let his daughter play with guns, knives. While other parents played with their kids Marco taught his baby girl how to dodge bullets and fight.


That’s the name Marco gave his daughter. Belladonna meant a beautiful lady in Italian…but Belladonna also meant a deadly plant. Just like his daughter, pretty girl but highly dangerous.

When Bella turned twenty her father committed suicide....




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