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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

“It's been 3 years since you left, Marco, but I still hate you as if everything happened yesterday.” A humourless chuckle left Bella's lips before she took a long drag on her cigarette. She tilted her head to look at the nimbostratus clouds and then puffed the smoke.

I miss you…

Soon as the sky started crying Bella joined it: “You’d lose your shit old man if you saw me crying.” Whispered her eyes reading the words written on the stone and silently agreed with them.

A loving father and husband.

Bella was stuck between the hate and love thin line when it came to her father. She knew her father loved her even though sometimes he trained her like he hated her, but he was always there, treating her wounds and doing everything a father must do for his daughter or son…but she also held hatred for him for leaving her behind.

But when it came to the tombstone next to her father's, it was all love to Bella. She never met her mother, but from the endless stories she heard about the woman from her father, part of her felt like she knew the woman.

Outside the cemetery, a black fancy Mercedes was parked, and inside the car, a girl named Sasha was waiting for Bella as it down poured Sasha got worried for her best friend, but she knew better than to get out of the car and bring Bella back to the car or umbrella.

Sasha knew Bella hated to be disturbed. She always accompanied Bella to visit her parents' graves on their anniversary and every year Bella always warned her to never follow her no matter what; she must stay outside the cemetery, and if she disobeyed her the following year,  she wouldn't only be visiting her parents' graves but also hers.

And Sasha knew that wasn't a silly threat; it was a promise Bella didn't mind keeping. After all, Bella wasn't the best friend to do nails, shop, and cry over boys with, but she was a friend to call when you wanted to get rid of someone.

Sasha rolled down her window when Bella knocked on it: “Leave, I will see you later.”

“Where are you going?” Sasha asked.

"Anywhere.” Before Sasha could give Bella an umbrella the said girl was already walking away.

Since the rain started minutes ago, there were no people running to get under a shelter, or inside their cars. Bella was the only person walking down the street unbothered by the rain.

"Where did you hide the money?" Bella heard a voice asking when she passed an alley. She knew what was going on, but it wasn't her business; she didn't give a fuck who was getting mugged.

"P-p-please stop," a pathetic voice begged and was able to get Bella's attention. The said girl decided to check out what was going on and who the fuck sounded so pathetic.

"Ah, hyenas attacking in pack.” Bella said, watching the scene in front of her. Three guys standing tall beat one guy.

Three heads turned to face Bella, including the guy who was getting his ass beaten up. "Oh kitten, shouldn't you be cuddling with your owner instead of getting drenched in the rain? I heard cats don't love rain," teased one guy.

Bella laughed and said, "Don't worry about me, baby boy; you should worry about yourself. Since this isn't my business, I have no interest in killing y'all, but I can't just walk away, so y'all choose, sweethearts, let the boy go or get your ass beaten up.”

Now that got the attention of the three bad guys: “Kitten, today’s a good weather to fuck. We’re three and you’ve three holes. Say doll let’s have fun.”

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