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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

A vulgar slang "Russian Cunt" left Alexander's mouth followed by "tsk"

He just done talking with his boss Ivan on a phone. The boss have insulted him with every Russian offensive word out there. And he couldn't say anything back. Instead, he'd to listen to another man talking down on him.

Ivan even went far to threaten his life by giving him only 12 hours hours to behead the person who killed Lukyan Karamazov and send the head to him.

Alexander knows if Ivan said 12 hours, it meant 12 hours. According to him, it wasn't enough to get Bella's head.

Knowing his boss asked him impossible,  Alexander told his boss that Belladonna killed Lukyan, hoping he'd get more time since Ivan knows how impossible it is to harm the little girl. After all, Ivan once tried killing and taking the girl's properties but gave up in the end because apparently Bella was always one step ahead of him.

But that hypocrite fat-belly-old-fart Russian questioned his manhood, asking him if he was really a man if he needed to wait for Jesus' return to get a little girl's head.

Poor Alexander, his plan to run over Bella's car with a truck failed dismal. If he didn't come up with a plan and a successful one this time he was a dead man. Ivan is in Russia rarely came to the US, but Alexander knows how influential his boss is. Ivan didn't need to be in the same country as him to get him killed.

A middle-age housekeeper carried a tea with brownies on tray behind Mrs lee both heading to Mr Lee'office. Her husband came home a little bit past one with a man she's been seeing a lot in the news for stepping up as a W.W.A. CEO.

When her husband arrived, he told her not to disturb them because they would be talking about important things. It was a little bit strange to Mrs Lee because her husband never held meetings in his home office, but didn't question anything.

She wasn't sure bringing refreshments to them would disturb them or not, but she thought it wasn't polite to let a visitor sit more than two hours locked in an office.

Since her husband didn't drink, there wasn't any expensive bottle of whisky in his office to pour a glass for his visitor, and she highly doubts there's water there to drink.

Before Mrs Lee could knock on the door, she heard her husband's voice yelling, "I want her dead!" Since the office wasn't soundproofed.

She was shocked to hear such filty words from her husband. Mrs. Lee didn't knock. Instead, she waited to hear more.

"You want her dead? Why don't I believe you? Didn't you arrange her grandmother’s funeral? You event went to check on her at the hospital? I don't think you're capable of killing her."

"If it wasn't for your fucking niece she'd gone by now. Who the fuck you think planted a bomb in Bella's house? It was me!"

Mr lee' words shocked two people. One Mark, the other have been working with Mr Lee on how to get Bella's shares but he didn't know about this.

Second person is Mrs Lee. She shoved the door opened, "What did you just sat?" She asked, standing by the doorway.

Both Mark and Mr lee' eyes turned to her, but didn't say anything.

"What did I just hear?" Mrs Lee asked, her chest rapidly rising and falling. As anger and shock quickly tool over her body.

"I told you to not distrub us," scolded Mr Lee glaring at his wife.

Disbelief in Mrs Lee’ face can clearly be seen as her jaw dropped. Her body started shaking in response to the side of her husband she had just discovered. The way she was starting to breathe, it seemed she might hyperventilate

The maid carrying a tray quickly placed it on the floor and went to calm down Mrs Lee.

Mr lee said to the maid, "Take her to the living room."

Listening to her master. She led Mrs Lee to the living and sat her down on the couch before running to get a glass of water in the kitchen.

After a few minutes, Mark and Mr Lee walked into the living room. Mark showed himself out, and Mr Lee turned to look at his wife.

Now breathing fine and calmed, Mrs Lee spoke, "Tell me I heard you wrong."

Mr Lee sighed. He dismissed the maid, fanning his wife, and took a seat next to his wife, "I love you so much, Imani. I'd do anything to give you what you want. You know that. Money, diamonds, bags, cars, vacations. I give you all, sweethearts. And that's because I'm doing everything and anything for you."

Mrs. Lee jumped to her feet and slapped her husband across his cheek. She never thought one day she'd rise her hand at her husband. "Are you trying to say you killed your friend's mother because of me!" Screamed Mrs Lee.

Swallowing the anger from getting hit, "That's not what I'm saying," argued Mr Lee also standing up.

"You planted a bomb in Bella's mansion that blew up with Chiara and Bella inside. You're saying Chiara died, Bella got hurt because you want to provide for me. If that's not what you meant then explain your fucking self, Ben!"

"What if Bella decides to fire me one day, sweetheart? She has the a power to do that. I know she won't give me her shares willingly. And I don't want to be a ceo to businesses that aren't under my name."

Mrs Lee lost it. She started beating her husband with fists in his chest, while crying. "You're not my husband!" She screamed, every housekeeper in the mansion properly heard her.

Mr Lee shoved his wife to the floor, "I'm doing this for us!" He shouted angrily.

Mrs. Lee shook her head as she stood up and wiped off her tears with her hands before cupping her husband's cheeks. "It's power, my husband. Power can possess people and them them greedy. Being a CEO is messing up your head. Yes, maybe one day Bella will want her father's CEO chair, but she won't completely cut your off. I know she will assign you to a different position instead of firing you." She softly spoke, staring in her husband's eyes.

"Imani, I don't want this to break us up."

"I can try overlooking the fact you killed Chiara. But please stop all this madness, " begged Mrs Lee. Knowing damn well that was impossible, but she loves her husband and leaving him...that's something she can't do.

Mr Lee pushed his wife gently this time so she wouldn't end up sitting on the floor, "Get some rest," he said, walking in the direction of his office.

Mrs Lee' legs failed her, she dropped to the floor and bawled her eyes out. She knew business people could play dirty. But this was too much to handle.

Her husband and his late friend were more like brothers. When her husband was scammed and lost almost everything, Marco helped him.

She can't even count the number of times Marco has helped them.

And her best friend?

Valencia was an angel in her life. When she got drugged and raped during a frat party.

Her family and cops failed her, but Valencia didn't. She supported her emotions and even circumcised those three guys who assaulted her. And didn't stop there.

She forced them to eat there own dicks.

There were many times Valencia got blood in her hands because of protecting her.

She can't let Valencia' daughter die because a greedy demon possessed her husband. No, it was time she pays Valencia back for the times she protected her.

Mrs Lee, after calming down, she stood up and dragged herself to the staircase.

Her husband's voice said behind her as she was about to take a first step up the stairs, "Imani, I love you, so please don't do anything stupid. Choose your husband."


I'll never force y'all, but please vote and comment. Doing so, you're encouraging me to update more. I know I'm not a best writer, and my English sucks, but I'm trying and really work hard to write.


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