•05|Part 2•

45 2 1

•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

Suddenly ‘Tho shit’ by Megan the stallion filled the Lamborghini. Bella picked up her phone and saw it was her grandmother calling her.

“Yes chiara”

“He didn't kill himself...” Chiara sounded breathless as she spoke on the phone.


Instead of Chiara clarifying, Bella could only hear snarl as if a wild animal had been injured on the other end of the phone, “Chiara, what's going on? Don't tell me your old ass slipped and fell and now you can't get up,” Bella teased, but she was alarmed by the moans.

Chiara said, “Sasha,” very softly, almost if she was whispering.

‘Fuck! This woman is still alive.’

Bella caught a sound in the background. Not that Sasha held any particular significance for her, but she knew her voice right away. Distressed, the donna cursed, “Fuck.” She had a gut feeling that something horrible had just occurred. Bella executed an illegal u-turn while holding the wheel with one hand, causing several honks to be heard. Santino let out a scream, his hands gripping the seltbeat so firmly over his chest that his knuckles became white.

At this point, Bella's actions could not be classified as driving because they were akin to flying. Chanting "Chiara...Chiara...Chiara," she tried to get the elderly woman to speak before she loses her mind totally.

“Nana, loves you.” That's all Chiara said before Bella heard a familiar bang sound.

“Chiara!” Screamed Bella. The car abruptly stopped, leaving skid marks in its path. “Say something! Chiara! No, no, no! As your fucking donna, I'm asking you to say anything, Chiara!” Bella was crying as she went on giving orders and occasionally even threatening her grandmother to say something.

This was the ideal time for Santino to flee the car, but his gaze was drawn to the girl, who appeared to be losing it due to whatever she had heard from the call, “Bella,” which he carefully called.

However, he failed to capture the girl's interest. Her phone was keeping her too busy with yelling. Bella didn't seem to care that there were honks coming from behind the vehicle.

“Arh!” Bella let out a bloodcurdling scream. She broke her phone by throwing it on the driving wheel, and some of the broken parts ricocheted back at her.

“What's going on?” Asked Santino, completely terrified.

Obtaining a gun from the central console Bella threw open her door and walked over to the car that was honking behind her. Santino heard gunfire and leaped out of the vehicle.

“Do you've a fucking problem?!” Bella yelled looking at the driver through the windshield. “Huh?” When she fired the gun again, the bullet struck the car's passenger seat rather than the front tire on the driver’s side.

“Honking like your lost your fucking head!” The road was two-way. When the opposing lane's drivers saw what was going on, they halted.

A man got out of his car and attempted to help. Santino, nevertheless, blocked him right away, saying, “She's with me. I have this; kindly go back to your vehicle.” Said Santino politely.

He was aware that Bella was insane at the moment and that the fact that she was carrying a loaded revolver was fatal. Despite his fear, he believes he has a better chance of convincing Bella to give him the gun rather than an unknown person.

A gun went off. When Santino and the other man turned to look, they saw that Bella had just shot the car's other tire. Santino bumped into the open door that Bella had left open after the man threw him to the side, then collapsed.

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