•03| part2•

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Ava and Sasha weren't fazed by the scene they knew Bella. One minute she’s normal the next second someone is bleeding: “If y’all want drinks get a waiter or go the baby is only allowed to serve me,” Bella said and walked to the bar counter to annoy and tease her 'baby.’

Santino was glad to have Bella teasing and, at the same time, annoying the shit out of him because he didn't have to watch his ex-girlfriend grind against another guy. "It was nice seeing you again, Baby, but I have to go to work now," Bella said when Sasha, from a distance, made a gesture telling her it was time to go.

“Work?” Santino asked with a frown on his face. His cheap wristwatch told him it was 39 minutes before 00:00. What kind of job could Bella be going to at this time?

"Yes work. I'm an assassin, baby." Bella answered, but Santino was starting to get used to the girl teasing him, so he just gave her a blank look, telling her that he didn't believe her. "Okay, I am joking, but I have to go. Come closer, I want to whisper something."

Santino leaned over the counter with his 6'5 body; it wasn't hard for him to lean over all the way to Bella's face. Instead of whispering like she said, Bella pecked Santino’s lips causing Santino to jump back, almost crashing into the drinks on the back bar behind him. "Don't tell me that's your first kiss, baby," Bella said raising one eyebrow at the wide-eyed and blushing Santino.

"Bella, stop teasing him. Let's go," Sasha said, pulling Bella away from the bar counter.

When Bella and Sasha passed Charlotte's table, Bella picked up the bottle of cheap beer from the table and smashed it on Charlotte's head. Santino watched from the distance as Bella's tiny body walked out of the bar casually like she didn’t do anything wrong.

"Not going to help your girlfriend?" asked Justin, Santino's friend.


A fight was a normal thing in the bar, so people weren't really worried about what just happened to Charlotte; they didn't even bother to help her. The guy Charlotte came with was drunk as fuck, so he wasn't much of a help and Santino he didn't give a single fuck, even if she bled to death in front of his eyes.

"Who's your new girlfriend?" Justin asked a question again, referring to Bella. Justin saw Bella being all playful with Santino, the peck in the lips and heard her call him a baby.

"Girlfriend?" Asked Santino, confused, but he soon figured out Justin was referring to the tiny, annoying person.

“She's not my girlfriend.” answered Santino and carried on with his work.

Meanwhile Bella and her people hopped inside Sasha’s car. Sasha behind the wheel, Bella in the passenger's seat, and Ava and Leo are sitting at the back.

“You kissed him” stated Sasha starting the car. Sasha was aware that her friend had multiple sex partners, including Leo, and once in a while herself, but kissing was forbidden when it came to Bella.

Every time she’d lean in for a kiss Bella would move and offer her cheek instead of lips or simply tell her kissing isn’t allowed.

Choosing to ignore the bitterness laced with Sasha’s voice: “Yes, if I was a good kisser, I would've erotically shoved my tongue down his throat.” Bella responded.

Taking this as an opportunity to final taste her boss’ lips: “Want me to teach you?" Sasha offered.

“Drive me to my place after the mission.”

Sasha, knowing what that meant, she smirked, and looked at Leo through the rearview mirror.

After an hour drive Sasha parked her car few feet steps away from a luxury mansion.

“If it breathes you kill no questions asked; we were hired to eliminate everything inside the mansion, and that's exactly what I want us to do. If you fuck up Belladonna will fuck you up.

The party is only twenty minutes.” with that, everyone checked their guns before hopping out of the car, balaclavas masks covering their faces.

It took Sasha, Ava, and Leo 30 minutes to complete their mission. When they got back inside the car, they met a very angry Bella: “I said twenty but y’all decided to move like old farts.”

They apologized and promised their donna to do better next time but, in their heads, they thought Bella was being unfair. There were housekeepers, guards, and owners inside; adding up, there were more than thirty people inside, and they had to be careful, so it made sense why it took so long to wipe out everyone beside they were not as fast as Bella.

Sasha drove away from the mansion while Bella sent the picture of the tycoon, she just killed to the person who hired her and captioned the picture,'Get my money ready.’

When the car was away from the mansion Sasha stopped the car and kicked out Leo and Ava.

“Find your own transport.” That’s all she said, and she drove to Bella's place.
Inside Bella’s bedroom. Sasha sat on the edge of the bed and her eyes on Bella who was taking off her clothes in a seducing manner. Only in her panties Bella straddled Sasha.

When Sasha was about to slam her lips to Bella a hand covered her mouth: “No kissing, Fuck me with your fingers, Sasha.” seductively whispered Bella to Sasha’s ear.

Well, Sasha was disappointed that she wouldn't be tasting the lips she wanted to taste so badly, but she was going to take what she was given. Wordlessly Sasha laid Bella's body on the bed and took Bella's panties off: “Ready?” asked Sasha after she tucked a pillow under Bella's buttocks so she could have the best access to her meal.

Bella didn't answer verbally; she just spread her legs as wide as she could, showing Sasha that she was already leaking from her hole. Sasha got in position when her face was in between Bella's leg, her tongue left her mouth to sweep over the wet slit before her from the opening up to the pressure nub, there her tongue gentle circled the clit.
Upon the cold tongue coming into contact with her hot core caused Bella to bite her bottom lips, throw her head and gave out a throaty moan.

“Fuck” moaned Bella when Sasha suddenly thrusted her tongue as deep as she code into her.

Sasha felt Bella’s vagina walls twitching from the intrusion of her tongue. Wanting more Bella grabbed Sasha’s hair and pushed her face towards her vagina and started grinding her pelvic. The harder Sasha fucked her with her tongue the louder Bella's moans got.

And when Bella was close to her climax Sasha pulled back before Bella could complain about the deny of orgasm two fingers penetrated into her opening. Penetration sent Bella to the edge, her body shake and twitched but Sasha was far from done with her. Her fingers continued moving hitting Bella’s g-spot continuously.

On the other hand, Sasha was turned on, her panties were drenched from her juice. Her eyes moved to Bella’s parted lips…God she’d do anything to kiss those lips…she’d do anything to ride those lips.

I've sucked and fucked you so many times Bella, but I still can’t kiss you, but you kiss a stranger. Thought Sasha and the memory of Bella kissing Santino popped up in her head.

Jealously and little bit of anger quickly engulfed Sasha.She moved her fingers out of Bella.

“Why did you stop?”

“I want to fuck you not with my finger. Get the strap-on while I take off my clothes” with that Sasha started taking off her clothes and Bella followed the command.

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