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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

Bella sat on the hospital bed. For someone who just survived an explosion, she looked good.

She only sustained bruises there, and there was nothing major. An average person would be bawling their eyes out soon as they gained consciousness, but not Bella. Chiara and the house were gone crying wouldn't bring either back.

She lost her cool when she received her grandmother's last words.

He didn't kill himself.

Those words repeated continuously in Bella's head. When she first heard them, she was confused, but now it was kind of clear who Chiara was talking about.

Why can't dead people come to us and tell us what happened to them?

Bella questioned herself. For years, she thought her father killed himself, but she was wrong. And Sasha?

God knows what she will do to that bitch when she catches her. She didn't see the betrayal coming but it wasn't a surprise after all her father once told her "Trust rock rather than an animal, A dog can betray its owner and according to science humans are classified as animals"

But Bella figured Sasha wasn't the only rat. Enzo has to be dealt with too. It makes no sense why Enzo disappeared and shit started happening. First, he didn't show up to full his duty. When Bella did his job for him, she was attacked...yes when her and her men were delivering the guns, a truck appeared nowhere and intentionally bumped into her car, hence why she picked Santino with a different car.

Bella took that crush as a warning because whoever was driving that truck wasn't aiming to kill her but to push her car out of the road. Second, where Enzo was when his sister was killing her grandmother?

Or where is Enzo after her mansion blew up. Ava came to see her, but where is Enzo?

Not that Bella was expecting the man to come with flowers to see her, but where is he?

"Oh you're awake?" A woman's voice asked, startling Bella out of her tangled thoughts. The woman doctor continued to say, "You look better than the boy next door."


Looks like she's been too deep in her thoughts and kind of forgot about the boy who tried pulling her out of the house before it exploded.

"How is he?" Bella asked, she was aware of the fact that her injuries could be worse if it wasn't for Santino shielding her with his body, and when the explosion sent them flying back, Santino landed roughly on the ground.

"What's your relationship with him?"

The doctor asked, checking Bella and then wrote something down on the patient's chart in her hands.

"Boyfriend. He doesn't have a family I'm his only family." Replied Bella. The boyfriend word just came out.

The doctor who actually was there when Bella and Santino were admitted she heard the boy mumbling Bella's name before he completely slipped away from consciousness, "Truma in the head that will definitely give him headache in the future but he's fortunate it wasn't bad to the point he needs a surgery. He toned his arm ligament. He'll need arm brace for a couple of weeks and...." The doctor paused

"What?" Urged Bella, fear slowly creeping into her heart.

"His right rib broke and punctured his lung. A surgery will be needed for treatment."

Bella felt guilty. Only if she walked away when Santino was getting mugged or if she stopped the car when Santino wanted to cut off ties with her.

"Doctor, what will happen in the future after the surgery?"

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