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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

After a nice night of fucking, Bella was delighted to wake up alone in her bed the following morning, even though Sasha crashed at her apartment. However, she was wise enough to depart at dawn to avoid the awkward talk.

After a quick morning shower and routine, Bella left her cozy home wearing a mini backless bodycon dress with a long sleeve, square neck and split slit, paired with a sky-high curly ponytail and a pair of Air Jordan 4's, and drove to Mark's house, the tycoon who had hired her service the night before.

“Belladonna,” Bella stated to the guard at Mark's house's gate, and the guy pulled out his phone, most likely to call the owner to confirm if he was expecting someone with that name.

After few seconds, the guard dropped his call and ordered his guard buddy to “open the gate.”

Bella drove up the very luxurious driveway paving and parked her Mercedes next to a fountain that was undoubtedly worth millions of dollars.

She stepped out of her car and
disregarded the guards' glances as she proceeded up the interminable steps to the mansion's front door, where a housekeeper awaited her.

The elderly housekeeper bowed respectfully and motioned for Bella to enter the mansion, saying, "This way, ma'am." Bella added, "I'm concerned about your back," but she didn't
seem too bothered and went inside the estate.

The housekeeper didn't say anything; she simply escorted Bella to Mark's office. “You can go in; he's expecting you,” the housekeeper said, bowing down once more before leaving. Bella pried open the door and entered. “Aah, the deadly plant," Mark said cheerfully.

“Looks like I met your needs.”

“Of course, listen to this…” Mark began reading an article on his iPad. “Mr. Lukyan Karamazov, the upcoming CEO of WWA, and his well-known model wife were discovered dead this morning…”

Mark didn't read the entire article he just read what made him happy, "Looking forward to doing business with you in future."

“Don’t get it twisted baby boy I’m not an assassin” Bella said to the man with silver hair due to his old age. With a raised brow Mark respond, “If you weren’t we wouldn’t have met.”

“I was going to kill Lukyan Karamazov” Bella spat the name. She detested the Russians to an extent that only God knew. Not every Russian, but those from the Karamazov felony family. They attempted to take over the hotel businesses that her father owned and completely eliminate the Ricci mafia.

However, Bella swore that her family's demise wouldn’t come before destroying the Russians and anybody else who believed they could take away what her family had worked so hard for just because her father was dead.

As cliche as it may seem, she was going to show those little fuckers some feminine power.

“So, you charged me an absurd amount for a task you were going to perform regardless of me hiring you?”

Bella gave the elderly guy a sardonic wink and a sly smile, saying, “Okay, baby, enough of the boring talks, give me my two million.”

Mark slammed two large black bags onto the surface of his desk. He wasn’t happy to learn his business rival was going to be dead without him spending so much money.

“Honey, if a dollar is missing or phony, trust me, those dogs you have outside diligently watching me wouldn't project you from the lethal plant.”

The bags were heavy, but knowing what was inside, she gladly carried them out of the mansion and into her car.

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