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I'm sorry pretty people. Last Chapter I called Sasha’s brother "Enzo", but his name is "Leo."


Cast Names.
(I'm sorry guys I keep forgetting the names)

Leo~ Sasha’s brother.

Mark~ Leo and Sasha’s Uncle

Alexander~ from Chapter 4

Mr Lee~ CEO to Bella's late father businesses. (And his wife Mrs Lee)

Ava~ girl in Bella's mafia.

Charlotte~ Santino’s ex girlfriend.

×I'll introduce more cast×


•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

Days have passed, and a lot has happened in those days.

Leo cried a day and night for his sister's death. It was his plan to ambush Bella's mansion, but it wasn’t his intention to lose his sister.

His twin sister. They grew up attacked to the hip when their parents passed away, and they became each other's strength. They'd to be less affectionate like siblings because when their uncle took them in thought them loved ones were weaknesses, and separated them.

Regardless of everything, Sasha originally named Elizabeth, was his sister and his only family. And now she's gone.

A stinging pain in his cheek snapped Leo out of his misery.

"Uncle?" Asked Leo, holding the cheek, his uncle just slapped.

"Look at you, acting like it wasn't your fault. Who sent you to attack Bella's mansion? If you didn't act out without my permission, Sasha might be alive." Spat Mark.

In a softly broken voice, Leo whispered,  "I didn't kill Sasha."

Mark with sharp tears, heard him, "Really?" He sarcastically asked.

"Yes. It was my plan to attack Bella, I admit. While I was taking care of the guards outside, Sasha was taking care of everyone inside the mansion. And me, after killing every guard, I hid behind the tree a few feet away and waited for Sasha to open the gas of a stove and leave. The plan was to shot soon as Bella entered the mansion exploding the house with her inside, but before Sasha could get out Bella arrived and I don't know what happened but the mansion blew up and I swear Uncle I didn't pull any trigger. And it couldn't have been Bella. I didn't see any gun with her when she entered the mansion, and it couldn't been Sasha she wouldn't open fire knowing she opened a gas."

"I'd Bella is doing fine. Your plan failed. Your sister died for nothing. Bella is searching for you and your dead sister everywhere. If she finds out you're in my mansion, that would ruin my plans. I don't want her to find out we're related. From now on, you're on your own since you act on your own. Whether Bella kills you or not, that won't affect my sleep at night. Leave my mansion." With that said, Mark left.

At the hospital, In Santino’s room to be precise, "Is he okay?" Bella asked the grey haired male doctor checking Santino’s monitor.

Santino had his surgery last night. According to the doctors, it was successful.

The doctor looked at the drained girl and answered, "I sew nothing wrong. He should gain consciousness in any minute."

Bella's eyes moved from the doctor to Santino, "Wake up pretty boy so I can take you home. I'm tired of sitting here," complained Bella, her hand reaching for Santino’s.

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