•05|part 1•

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•{Not Edited/3rd POV}•

"Everything is proceeding as planned. Alexander just departed the estate with a bruise." Sasha spoke through the phone.

"Bruise?" Leo asked.

"Bella happened. It's only a matter of time before the Russians retaliate." She ends the call with that.

Mark got up from his seat and headed to the corner of his office, where there was an expensive whisky and glass. He poured glass for himself and his business partner and Nephew Leo,"We ought to take action before Bella discovers that I tricked her," he remarked as he approached Leo and gave him his drink.

"And things wouldn't end well for you and your family" replied Leo.

Mark glared at him, asking, "And you think it will end well for you if she finds out that her trusted snapper and fuck buddy betrayed her?"

That got no response from Leo. He is aware of how Bella punishes people who betray her. He had no wish to be at the girl's mercy.

"Leo do you realize that we could snatch everything if you seduce Bella into your bed?"

"I've spent a lot of time in her bed, uncle. Despite her youth, she possesses intelligence."

"Have her sign the documents. Even though she is not the CEO of her father's
companies, she is still the majority stakeholder in each of them. She is nothing if she can sign all of her shares. When she's broke, no men will work for her, and her mafia will vanish. You could even get all of her men to work for us."

"You imply that her men are capable of betraying her, but those pussies could never. They revere and dread Bella. And if that maniac finds out that I stabbed her in the back, she doesn't need anyone else to kill us."

"You mentioned her men are afraid of her, but you are the biggest pussy in my opinion. Make someone blow up the H.H.H. hotel."

Leo choked on his beverage. H.H.H was the biggest hotel owned by Bella's father. "Are you fucking nut!?"

"No, your donna will think the Russians did it."

"You want me to blow up New York's largest and busiest hotel? Fuck no! I'm not taking the lives of innocent people."

"I don't fucking care Leo" scoffed Mark

"Nobody is blowing up the hotel. If you wish to demonstrate Bella. I know what needs to be done. Uncle, please don't act on your own. I promise that if you continue with your foolish idea, I will deal with you directly..." finished downing his drink in one sitting and declared, "No citizen is dying because of us." With that, he stormed out of Mark's home office.

Leo called his sister after getting into his car. "Brother" Sasha answered the phone.

"Mark's next move is exploding H.H.H hotel."

"And your virtuous ass considered the locals?"

"Don't tell me you agree with him?"

"I could care less. We've spent so much time being Bella's bitch. Leo, don't you feel exhausted? Do you not wish for your own authority?" Sincerely question to Sasha.

"I do, but I don't want innocent people dying. I've a better plan. Is Bella there?"


"Exploding H.H.H might stress Bella, but it wouldn't hurt her than killing someone very close to her."

"What? Are you crazy? Do you think you can get away with killing Chiara?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to murder that elderly lady. Let us take out every living thing in that mansion."

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