The Enemy of My Enemy

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Campbell's POV:

I arrived at the motel unsure of what I'd find. On the outside it looked like any other urban motel that one would go to hook up or sell drugs. It had 2 floors and was painted a dirty beige color. Cigarette buds littered the parking lot and shards of beer bottles blended in with the low-cut grass. A little bell rang as I entered the shady establishment. Slouching over the front desk was a guy who still looked to be in high school. He was busy scrolling through his phone to notice that I was there. I made my attention known by walking up to him and placing my police badge on the desk in front of him. That seemed to do the trick.

"Is there a problem officer?"

"I was hoping you could answer some questions I have. Have you seen this boy here?" I showed him a picture of Oliver.

"Nah I haven't seen him."

I figured.

"What about her," I showed a picture of Ashe.

He looked intently for a moment before answering. "Yeah, she seems familiar, but I can't say for sure. It only was a glance."

"Can I take a look at the CCTV footage," I asked impatiently.

"Sure, it's just back here."

I followed him to a little room that was in desperate need of a remodel. I watched as he clicked away at the computer pulling up the CCTV files.

"Do you have a specific date or?"

"September 3rd ."

Once he clicked on the file an error message popped up:

File corrupted

"Looks like you're shit out of luck," he said unbothered.

I let my anger get the best of me and roughed him up a little. I grabbed him by his shirt and shook some answers out of him. "Did you tamper with this file!? Tampering with evidence is punishable by law."

"No dude you were watching me this whole time! Shit, I just started this job alright. I don't even know what you're looking for."

The poor lad looked like he was about to piss himself. Even if it wasn't him someone definitely tampered with this. I don't believe in coincidences. I let him go and copied the file onto a hard drive I had stashed away in my pocket. If anybody can recover this, it'll be Agnus.

Brielle's POV:

Was last night a dream? I found myself wondering as I began to wake up. I must've slept through my alarm. School's about to start soon. I wonder if Rowan will be there this time. I'm going to make it right between us. As I began rummaging around my drawer for an outfit a knock came from my door. Shortly after my dad came through with a serious look on his face.

"I'd like to talk about last night."

So, it wasn't a dream.

My chest tightened as the memories of last night came trickling back.

"I-uh I have to get to school," I brushed off, desperately not wanting to hear his judgement.

"Bri I'm not upset. What I said last night was... I only want what's best for you and I'm sorry if I ever gave you the impression that I'd love you any less because of this. You're my baby girl, I'll always love you," he wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same. "...So, are you and Naomi?"

I let out a short laugh, "No dad, she's just a friend."

"Cause it's cool if you two..."

"Dad, stop." I shook my head lightly, finding the thought of us together completely absurd. Naomi was like a sister to me.

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