The Truth Will Set You Free

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Rowan's POV:

The fallen maple leaves that sprinkled across the driveway signaled the beginning of autumn. It was the first of October and already there were pieces of Halloween decorations to be seen around the neighborhood. 

I diverted my gaze from the window and back to my job at hand. Which was painting the recent memory I uncovered. At first, I thought it was just a bad dream, but the other day proved it wasn't. It was very much real. 

Trying to force the whole picture left a sharp pain through my head so this is what I resorted to. It's better that I see it in front of me rather than it being lost behind my thoughts. With every stroke I made it felt like I was getting closer to the truth.

"Mija dinner's ready," my mom announces stepping into my room. "Oh, that looks beautiful!" She stepped in closer to admire my painting. "I'm glad you've started making art again. You were always so good at it," she compliments kissing my head. "What's it about?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." I replied resting my paint brush down.

"...Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out, you always do," she lays a supportive hand on my shoulder. "Come on, I made your favorite."

"You should've led with that," I joked getting up from my seat.

Avery's POV:

I left the evidence of my mom's affair on the table as I waited patiently for her to come home. I needed some answers about whatever happened between her and Jorge and to find out why she had kept this from me for so long. As her car pulled up in the driveway, I started to second guess even mentioning it at all. I mean how do I even explain how I got this in the first place?

No, I can't get cold feet. If I don't ask now, I don't think I'll ever have the courage to bring it up again. My mom stepped through the door and greeted me like usual. As she went to put her bag down on the table she froze. I took that as my chance to ask her. I showed her the paternity test that I had hidden behind my back.

"Is this true?" I asked shakily.

"Where did you get this?" She took the paper from my hand and examined it closely. Once she realized the contents, she covered her mouth in shock. "H-how did you-"

"Is it true!" I asked more sternly trying to keep my composure.

She took a seat defeatedly and browsed over the other evidence that was on the table, "it looks like you already have the answer."

"I want to hear you say it."

"Yes honey, it's true," she admits.

It was all too much for me to hear those words and I couldn't keep it in anymore. My mom comforted me as I cried into her arms unrelentingly.

"I never meant to cause you pain. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy," she explains but her explanation fell on deaf ears.

"You mean you never meant for me to find out," I corrected bitterly, taking a step back.

She sighed and sat back down, "there is so much you don't know Avery."

"Then tell me," I pulled out a chair beside hers awaiting an explanation.  

Rowan's POV:

My mom went out again for a work-related emergency leaving me to clean up dinner. After I finished, I heard a knock coming from the front door. I figured it was her coming back to get something. I opened the door, but it wasn't my mom who was standing on the porch but rather a bronze urn. 

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