The Devil Returns

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Rowan's POV:

First day of the week and already I wished for it's end. I missed out on a lot by being in that depressing hospital, maybe it's a good thing. I didn't have to deal with Ghost's bullshit for a while. Bri stopped by to visit once or twice but I got this strange feeling it wasn't for me but... for her. Gosh I planned on telling her but I didn't expect to be hospitalized. I guess there really isn't a "right time" to breakup with someone. Nevertheless, I knew it had to be done. Between the long classes and the constant bickering of my classmates, this school was driving me insane. Ms. Gold gave out assignments but she might as well have put them in the trash.

Gossip from all over filled the classroom and I manage to overhear a piece of it. Jessica, the police chief's daughter apparently had some insight on who New Meadow's newfound serial killer may be. She said that officially they are looking to pin the blame on that "druggy guy", Oliver but you and I both know that's not possible. However, one of his detectives believe that the killer is actually connected to our high school.

Audible gasps and terrified murmurs were made from everyone in the class. "Our high school? Are you sure?" "Am I going to die?" Frantic questions spewed out of the shooken up students. "I can't die before graduation!" A girl cried out. 

Ms. Gold noticed the commotion and grabbed the class' attention. "Quiet down! No one is going to die," she reassured. "I know the recent murders of this town has everyone a little nervous but it doesn't doesn't do anybody any good by fanning the flame and spreading false gossip," she gave a stern look to Jessica. 

"Now, quit the chatter and finish your assignment," she ordered. The class settled down with a few whispers trailing behind. This isn't good. Now that the whole school knows that a serial killer is on the loose it's going to be harder to catch a slip up from Ghost.

Avery's POV:

I was walking through the halls hoping to meet up with Rowan but Brielle beat me to it. I stayed in ear shot but out of sight. The conversation continued:

"I was meaning to talk to you but it's like you're avoiding me or something," Rowan admits.

"Avoiding? Why would I be doing that," she asked but not out of genuine curiosity but rather just to egg on Rowan.

Does she know?

"No idea. Well if you're not I guess I'll just come out and say it."

Here it comes.

I could tell she was nervous. She does this thing where she plays with her ring whenever she's anxious about something. I knew this was what I wanted, her to finally break it off but why do I feel so guilty about it?

"You're a good person. One could even argue... too good. There's just been too much things that have happened to me and it's unfair to you to have to deal with all my baggage. I'm sorry but you deserve better and I deserve to figure my shit out. I really am sorry," she held her head down in shame as she turned to walk away.

Stopping her in her tracks Brielle responded, "Are you going to 'figure your shit out' between Avery's legs?

How did she know?

Rowan's eyes shot up in surprise. The room became silent and the atmosphere ran thick with tension. Rowan managed to compose herself before she turned back around to face the storm that was Brielle.

"How long?" she asked teary eyed.

Rowan couldn't let out any words. She tried but it was a miserable attempt. Soon she was now holding back tears.

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