Doctor Who?

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Matt's POV:

Fire trucks lined up the neighborhood trying to put out the unforgiving fire. Worried neighbors stepped outside to escape the suffocating smoke. A fire fighter approached us, sweat dripping from his face.

"Is this your house?"

"Well not anymore," Dominic replied sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity and confirmed with the fire fighter.

"Are there any pets or relatives in the building?"


"There's an old man with a drinking problem still inside, though I doubt he's still alive," Dominic informed without a shred of concern.

"Dominic! Mr. Williams, my dad! He's still inside!"

The firefighter quickly turned on his radio to alert the others, rushing into the house as he did. After some time had passed and the fire was no longer there, the paramedics wheeled my dad's body out of the house. There were gasps and whispers from the neighbors as they watched him get carried away onto the ambulance. Dominic took out a pack of smokes and lit it as he watched the fiasco unfold. "See you in hell," he whispered as he took a puff from his cheap cigar.

"Come with me," he says walking away from the scene.

"Why are you here? What happened? Where are we going?" I berated him with questions.

"I'll explain everything later but right now I'm guessing you need a place to stay. So shut up and follow me."

I huffed in annoyance as I trailed behind him.

Rowan's POV:

The school buzzed with gossip about the fire that happened last night. I thought it best to touch base with Avery all things considered. I caught her by the lockers unpacking.

"Hey, did you see the news last night?"

"Are you kidding that's all anyone's talking about," she snarks stuffing her bag. "Do you think it was a gas leak maybe?"

"In this town "gas leak" isn't what first came to mind," I whispered.

"Arson? Well, I guess Casper has done worse. Oh and poor Matt, losing his father and house all in one night. Maybe this is some sort of sick revenge for cutting ties," she explained.

"You know there is one way to know for sure." Piquing her interest, she squinted her eyebrows and asked how. "Talk to him," I replied. Her face already gave me her answer, but I was relentless on the idea. "I would do it myself, but I am committed to a prior engagement plus you could use this opportunity to, I don't know... apologize for man handling him?!"

Approaching her class I grew in anticipation for her answer. She rolled her eyes and gave a sigh of disapproval but in the end she agreed to do it. A wave of relief washed over me. "But you owe me," she said sternly. I gave a light smile thinking of the intentions she had in mind.

Matt's POV:

I spent the night with my brother at another hotel, which was definitely an upgrade. I awoke to the smell of room service, a pleasure that I never had. There was hot coffee and a breakfast spread fit for a king. Considering I didn't eat dinner last night, I stuffed my face with the tasty delicacies. The sound of the shower stopped and moments later Dominic appeared with a towel around his waist broadcasting his muscular physique. His dark wet hair dripped on the wooden floors.

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