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Doha, Qatar

I opened my closet and brought out the outfit I had arranged the night before: a white jallabiya, black and white khimar, and a wristwatch. I gently placed them on my bed before walking out of the room to the dining room where my parents and two siblings were waiting for me.

"Assalam alaikum," I said, entering the medium-sized dining room. I sat down in my usual place, which was the chair facing Abbie’s. My mother nuzzled my head as she placed a flatbread on my plate. I said my bismillah before devouring the sweet dish.

After breakfast, I went back to my room to brush my teeth and took a long shower. I came out of the bathroom satisfied and got dressed in my clothing.

"Masha'Allah, Ahmad. You look so handsome. When are you going to bring my daughter-in-law home, huh? You're not getting any younger," Mamu said, looking at me. She was back with that talk again.

"Mamu, keep praying for me. Soon, Insha'Allah," I replied.

"Insha'Allah," Mamu and Abbie chorused.

I entered the garage and brought out my Mercedes before driving off to the competition I was invited to. The drive to Hammad bin Khalifa University was peaceful, giving me time to reflect on my goals and the future.

As I parked and walked towards the hall, I felt a sense of purpose. I had been invited as a judge for the Quran recitation competition, a responsibility I didn't take lightly. As I was walking to the hall I bumped into a young lady and I immediately froze immediately I saw the beautiful lady in front me, subhanallah she was ethereal, but I quickly came back to my senses and flashed her an apologetic smile . Once I approached the entrance, I saw my older brother, Yusuf, waiting for me.

"Assalam alaikum, Yusuf," I greeted.

"Wa alaikum assalam, Ahmad. Ready for today?" he asked, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Always," I replied confidently.

We made our way into the hall, greeted by the organizers and other judges. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and excitement. I couldn't help but feel proud to be part of such an event, encouraging the younger generation to excel in their knowledge and recitation of the Quran.

As the competition began, I focused on each participant, appreciating their dedication and talent. When a participant with the name Hidaya Noura was called, I watched as she walked to the stage, a mixture of nerves and determination on her face, and to my surprise it was the lady from earlier. Her recitation was beautiful, filled with emotion and clarity. I couldn't help but admire her dedication and skill.

After the competition ended, Yusuf and I made our way to the exit. We were about to leave when I saw Hidaya with her friends. Gathering my courage, I approached her.

"Hidaya Noura, wait a moment," I called out.

She turned around, her eyes widening in surprise. "Assalam Alaikum," she greeted.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam," I replied. "I'm Ahmad, by the way. I wanted to congratulate you on your recitation. It was truly beautiful."

"JazakAllah Khair," she said, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"This is my older brother, Yusuf," I introduced, gesturing to him. Yusuf smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you both," she said politely.

"I've heard a lot about your school’s Quran program," Yusuf said. "You all did an excellent job today."

"Thank you, Yusuf," she replied. "It’s a collective effort from all the students and teachers."

"Ahmad, we should let them get going. The bus is waiting," Yusuf reminded me.

"Of course," I said. "It was nice meeting you, Hidaya. I hope we cross paths again."

"Insha'Allah," she replied.

As we walked away, I couldn't help but glance back at her. There was something about her that intrigued me, something genuine and sincere.

The following days passed in a blur of lecturing, my PhD assignments, and family responsibilities. But Hidaya's face and her graceful recitation stayed with me. I found myself looking for her whenever I was on campus(surprisingly when they called her school name I found out that she was a student ftom the school I was lecturing at), hoping for another chance encounter.

A week later, as I was studying in the library, I looked up and saw her walking past. She noticed me and hesitated for a moment before approaching.

"Assalam Alaikum, Ahmed," she greeted.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, Hidaya. What a pleasant surprise," I said, genuinely pleased to see her.

"I didn't expect to see you here," she said, taking a seat beside me.

"I'm actually a lecturer here. I came here to borrow a material for my PhD exams ," I explained, showing her the book I borrowed.

We talked for a while, sharing our thoughts on various subjects and discovering common interests. The more I learned about Hidaya, the more I felt a connection growing between us. She was thoughtful, intelligent, and kind.

As the sun began to set, I looked at my watch. "I should get going. It was really nice talking to you, Hidaya."

"Likewise," she replied. "Good luck with your exam."

"Thank you. Insha'Allah, we'll meet again soon," I said, smiling.

"Insha'Allah," she echoed.

As I drove home, I felt a sense of anticipation. Meeting Hidaya had brought something new into my life—a sense of possibility and excitement that I hadn't felt before. And I couldn't wait to see where this unexpected journey would lead me.

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