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Doha, Qatar

Years passed in the warm embrace of our growing family. Our daughter, kauthar, named after a young girl whose life we touched through the Nour Foundation, brought boundless joy and laughter into our home. Her laughter echoed through the halls, filling our hearts with happiness and gratitude.

One sunny afternoon, as I watched Amina playing in the garden, I was joined by Imtisal, and her husband, Sameer. They had come to spend the weekend with us, and their presence always added a special warmth to our home.

"Hidaya, kauthar is growing up so fast," Imtisal said, her eyes following kauthar's playful antics.

"She really is," I replied, smiling. "Sometimes I wish she would stay this age forever."

Sameer chuckled. "Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it, she'll be a teenager, and then you'll have a whole new set of challenges."

We all laughed, knowing how true that was.


As the sun began to set, we gathered in the living room for tea. My brother, Yusuf, and his wife, Layla, joined us with their two children, Ali and Zainab. The room buzzed with conversation and laughter.

"So, Ahmad," Yusuf began, "how's the Nour Foundation? I heard you launched a new scholarship program."

"Yes, we did," I replied, feeling a sense of pride. "It's been incredibly rewarding. We're seeing so many bright young minds getting the support they need to pursue their dreams."

Layla smiled warmly. "That's wonderful. You and Hidaya have done amazing work. Kauthar must be so proud of you both."

Kauthar, who had been quietly coloring at the table, looked up and beamed. "I love helping at the foundation! Can I go with you again tomorrow, Papa?"

"Of course, sweetheart," I said, ruffling her hair. "Your help is always appreciated."


That evening, we all gathered around the dinner table for a delicious meal prepared by my mother-in-law, Mamu, and my own mother. The aroma of their cooking filled the house, bringing back fond memories of family gatherings.

"Mama, this is delicious!" Amina exclaimed, taking a big bite of her grandmother's special biryani.

Ama smiled, her eyes twinkling. "I'm glad you like it, kauthar. We made it just for you."

As we ate, the conversation flowed effortlessly, with stories and jokes being shared. It was moments like these that made me grateful for the close-knit family we had.


After dinner, as we sat in the living room enjoying dessert, Abbie shared a piece of story with kauthar about how he met Mamu, and I shook my head laughing.

"Kauthar, always remember that family is the greatest blessing Allah has given us," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "Cherish these moments and hold onto your faith. It will guide you through life's challenges."

Kauthar nodded solemnly. "I will, Grandpa. Thank you."


Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, Ahmad and I sat on the balcony, sipping tea and reflecting on the day. The stars twinkled above, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

"Today was perfect," Ahmad said, taking my hand in his. "I couldn't ask for more."

"It really was," I agreed. "We're so blessed to have such a wonderful family and community."

"We are," he said, his eyes filled with love. "And it's all thanks to you, Habibty. You've been my strength and my inspiration."

I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my heart. "And you've been mine, Ahmad. I couldn't have asked for a better partner on this journey."


As the years went by, I grew to love the work my parents did at the Nour Foundation. I saw firsthand the impact it had on the lives of so many children. One day, I approached my parents with an idea.

"Papa, Mama," I began, hesitating for a moment. "What if we started a program specifically for girls? To help them get an education and learn new skills?"

Ahmed's eyes lit up with pride. "That's a wonderful idea, Amina. I'm so proud of you for thinking of it."

Hidaya nodded, her smile radiant. "Absolutely. Let's make it happen."


And so, the Nour Foundation continued to grow, fueled by the passion and dedication of our family and community. Each success story reinforced our belief in the power of education and the importance of giving back.

Through life's challenges and blessings, Hidaya and I remained each other's pillars of strength and unwavering support. Our love deepened with every passing year, enriched by shared experiences, laughter, and the occasional disagreement that only brought us closer together.

As we celebrated milestones—kauthar's first day of school, family vacations, and Ramadan dinners surrounded by loved ones—we felt Allah's blessings in every moment. Our home was filled with warmth, hospitality, and the aroma of delicious food that brought friends and family together.

In the quiet moments, Hidaya and I would reflect on our journey, marveling at how Allah had guided us through life's twists and turns. Our faith remained steadfast, anchoring us in times of uncertainty and celebrating with us in times of joy.

Insha'Allah, our story would continue to unfold with grace and gratitude. We looked forward to the future with hope and optimism, knowing that with Allah's guidance, our family would thrive, our love would endure, and our journey together would be filled with endless possibilities.

And as the sun set over our home, casting a golden glow over our lives, we whispered prayers of gratitude, knowing that every chapter of our story was written with love, faith, and the blessings of Allah.

It's a wrap, Alhamdulilah. I am happy to Allah for giving me the ability and wisdom to write this story. Wallahi, I feel so overwhelmed.

Don't forget to share if you have come to the end. Ma'asalam!

Love, Mardieeeee❤️.

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