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Doha, Qatar

The next morning, after Fajr prayer, I sat in the living room, my heart pounding with anticipation. Today, I would talk to my parents about Hidaya. I had prayed for guidance and felt at peace with my decision. I knew that involving my family was the next step in this journey.

As the sun began to rise, filling the room with a warm glow, my father, Abbie, came into the living room with his cup of coffee. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Early morning thoughts, Ahmad?" he asked, taking a seat across from me.

"Yes, Abbie. There's something important I need to discuss with you and Mamu," I replied, trying to steady my voice.

He gave me a curious look but nodded. "Alright, let me call your mother."

A few moments later, Mamu joined us, her face filled with curiosity. "What’s going on, Ahmad? You seem serious."

I took a deep breath. "Abbie, Mamu, I’ve met someone. Her name is Hidaya, and I believe she could be the one for me, Insha'Allah."

Their eyes widened in surprise, and I saw a flicker of excitement in Mamu’s eyes. "Tell us more about her, Ahmad," she said, leaning forward.

I shared everything I knew about Hidaya—her dedication to her studies, her faith, and her kindness. I told them about our conversations and how I felt a strong connection with her. By the time I finished, both my parents were smiling.

"Masha'Allah, Ahmad. She sounds like a wonderful girl," Abbie said.

"I’d like to meet her," Mamu added. "And perhaps her family too, if things go well."

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thank you, Abbie, Mamu. I’ll talk to Hidaya and see when we can arrange a meeting."


Meanwhile, I was at home, contemplating how to bring up the topic of Ahmad with my family. My heart raced with nervousness, but I knew this was a necessary step.

After breakfast, I found Ama in the kitchen, preparing lunch. I took a deep breath and approached her.

"Ama, can we talk for a moment?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

She looked up, concern in her eyes. "Of course, azizi. What’s on your mind?"

I took a seat at the kitchen table. "Ama, I’ve met someone. His name is Ahmad, and I believe he could be the one for me, Insha'Allah."

Ama paused clearly shocked because I knew I wasn't planning on settling down soon, so we never really talked about dating and marriage stuffs, setting down the knife she was holding. "You're joking right?Who is he? Tell me more about him, Hidaya."

I shared everything I knew about Ahmad—his dedication to his studies, his faith, and his kindness. I told her about our conversations and how I felt a strong connection with him. By the time I finished, Ama was smiling.

"Masha'Allah, Hidaya. He sounds like a good match," she said. "I’d talk to you Baba about him and we will arrange a meeting God's willing ."

Relief washed over me. "Thank you, Ama. I’ll talk to Ahmad and see when we can arrange the meeting."


Later that evening, I called Hidaya. Her voice was a comforting presence on the other end of the line.

"Assalam Alaikum, Ahmed," she greeted.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, Hidaya. How are you?" I asked.

"I’m good, Alhamdulillah. How about you?" she replied.

"I’m good too, Alhamdulillah. Hidaya, I spoke to my parents about you. They’d like to meet you and your family," I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves.

"That’s wonderful, Ahmed. I spoke to my Ama too, and she’s looking forward to meeting you and your family as well," she said, relief evident in her voice.

We agreed to arrange a meeting for the following weekend, giving both families time to prepare.


The week leading up to the meeting was a whirlwind of emotions. I felt excited but also nervous about the upcoming family introduction. Ama and I spent time preparing the house, making sure everything was perfect.

On the day of the meeting, I dressed in a modest yet elegant outfit, my heart pounding with anticipation. As the time approached, Ama gave me a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be fine, azizi. Trust in Allah’s plan," she said, her voice calming my nerves.

When Ahmad and his family arrived, I greeted them with a mix of excitement and nervousness. They were warm and friendly, instantly putting me at ease. Ahmad looked at me with a reassuring smile, and I felt my nerves settle.

We gathered in the living room, where our families exchanged pleasantries and got to know each other. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and mutual respect, and I felt a sense of peace knowing that our families were getting along well.

As the evening progressed, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the support and blessings of our families. I glanced at Ahmad, who was engaged in a conversation with my father, and felt a surge of happiness. This was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, and I was excited to see where this journey would lead us.


Seeing our families together, sharing stories and laughter, filled me with a sense of gratitude. Hidaya’s family was kind and welcoming, and I could see the genuine affection they had for her.

As the evening came to a close, I felt a sense of relief and happiness. The meeting had gone better than I could have hoped for, and I knew that this was a significant step forward in our journey.

Before leaving, I took a moment to speak with Hidaya privately. "Thank you for today, Hidaya. I’m so grateful for our families’ support."

"Me too, Ahmad. This feels like the beginning of something beautiful," she said, her eyes reflecting the same emotions I felt.

"Insha'Allah," I replied, feeling a deep sense of contentment.

As we drove home, I couldn’t stop thinking about the future. With our families’ blessings, I knew that we were on the right path. I prayed for guidance and strength, trusting that Allah would continue to guide us on this journey together.

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