14 5 0

Doha, Qatar

The days following Ahmad's proposal were a whirlwind of excitement and planning. Our families wasted no time in organizing the details for our wedding, and the house buzzed with activity. Ama and I spent countless hours discussing everything from the guest list to the color scheme.

One afternoon, as I sat with Ama, flipping through a wedding planner, she turned to me with a thoughtful expression.

"Hidaya, what kind of wedding do you envision?" she asked gently.

I paused, considering her question. "I want it to be simple yet elegant, Ama. Something that reflects our faith and brings our families together. A day filled with love and blessings."

Ama smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "That sounds perfect, azizi. We will make sure it's a day to remember."


My family was equally enthusiastic about the wedding preparations. Mamu and Abbie took charge, coordinating with Hidaya's family to ensure everything went smoothly. We wanted the day to be a celebration of our love and faith.

One evening, as I sat in the living room with my family, Mamu handed me a list. "Ahmad, we need to finalize a few things. Have you thought about who you'd like to invite?"

I looked at the list, my mind racing with names of friends and family. "Yes, Mamu. I’ll go over this tonight and let you know."

Abbie patted my shoulder. "Remember, Ahmad, this is a special day for both of you. Make sure to invite those who matter the most."

"I will, Abbie. Thank you," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for their support.


As the wedding date approached, my excitement grew. One day, while I was at the market with Ama, we ran into my best friend, Imtisal.

"Hidaya! I've been looking for you everywhere," she exclaimed, giving me a tight hug. "I heard the news. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Imtisal," I said, smiling widely. "I’ve missed you."

"I've missed you too. So, tell me all about the wedding plans!" she said, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

We spent the next hour catching up, and I felt a sense of comfort having Imtisal by my side. She promised to help with the preparations and even offered to plan my bridal shower.


Meanwhile, I reached out to my closest friends, sharing the news and inviting them to the wedding. Their reactions were filled with excitement and joy, and I felt blessed to have such supportive friends.

One evening, I met up with my best friend, Tariq, at our favorite coffee shop. He grinned as he saw me.

"Ahmad, I can't believe you're getting married! This is amazing news," he said, clapping me on the back.

"Thanks, Tariq. I’m excited and a little nervous," I admitted.

"That's normal, my friend. But you and Hidaya are perfect for each other. Everything will be great, Insha'Allah," he reassured me.


The days flew by, and soon it was time for my bridal shower. Imtisal had outdone herself, organizing a beautiful event with our closest friends and family. The room was decorated in soft pastel colors, and the atmosphere was filled with love and laughter.

As we played games and shared stories, I felt overwhelmed by the support and affection of everyone around me. Imtisal pulled me aside at one point, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Hidaya, you’re going to be such a beautiful bride. I’m so happy for you," she said, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, Imtisal. Your support means the world to me," I replied, feeling grateful for her friendship.


The night before the wedding, I found myself unable to sleep. I kept thinking about the future, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. I decided to step outside for some fresh air.

As I stood in the quiet garden, looking up at the stars, Abbie joined me.

"Nervous, son?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"A little, Abbie. It's a big step," I admitted.

He smiled, putting a hand on my shoulder. "It is, but it's also a beautiful one. You and Hidaya have the support and love of both your families. Trust in Allah and everything will be fine."

"Thank you, Abbie," I said, feeling reassured.


On the morning of the wedding, I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. Ama and Imtisal helped me get ready, their presence calming my nerves. I dressed in a beautiful white gown, adorned with delicate lace and pearls, and my hijab was elegantly styled.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a surge of emotion. Today was the day I would start a new chapter with Ahmed.

"You look stunning, Hidaya," Ama said, tears of joy in her eyes.

"Thank you, Ama," I replied, hugging her tightly.


At the venue, I stood nervously, waiting for Hidaya to arrive. The hall was beautifully decorated, reflecting the simple elegance we had envisioned. Our families and friends gathered around, their smiles and blessings filling the air.

When Hidaya walked in, my heart skipped a beat. She looked breathtaking, and as our eyes met, I felt a deep sense of love and gratitude. We were about to embark on this journey together, and I couldn’t have been happier.

The ceremony was a beautiful blur of prayers, vows, and blessings. As we exchanged our vows, I felt a sense of peace and fulfillment. With Allah’s guidance, we would build a life filled with love, faith, and happiness.


As Ahmad and I stood together, surrounded by our loved ones, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. This was the beginning of our new life, and I was grateful for every moment that had led us here.

When the ceremony ended, we joined our families and friends in celebrating. The night was filled with laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts. Ahmad and I stole moments to ourselves, sharing whispered promises and dreams for the future.

As the evening drew to a close, we looked at each other, knowing that this was just the beginning. With our families’ blessings and Allah’s guidance, we were ready to face whatever the future held, together.

Insha'Allah, our journey would be filled with love, faith, and endless blessings.

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