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Doha, Qatar

The wedding was a beautiful and unforgettable celebration. The love and joy from our families and friends were overwhelming. After the festivities, Ahmad and I were eager to start our honeymoon. We had chosen to visit Turkey, a place rich in history and beauty, for our first trip as a married couple.

On the morning of our departure, Ahmad and I packed our bags, filled with excitement. As I zipped up my suitcase, I felt a mix of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and a deep sense of contentment.

"Ready, Habibty?" Ahmad asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Ready, Ahmad," I replied, smiling.

We bid farewell to our families and headed to the airport. The flight was smooth, and we spent most of the time talking about our future, making plans, and dreaming about the adventures ahead.

When we landed in Istanbul, the city's vibrant energy immediately captivated us. The blend of modernity and history was enchanting. We checked into a beautiful hotel overlooking the Bosphorus Strait, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful for this new chapter in our lives.


Seeing Hidaya's eyes light up as we explored Istanbul was a joy. We started our journey with a visit to the Blue Mosque, its grandeur leaving us in awe. As we walked through the stunning architecture, I felt a profound sense of peace.

"Habibty, look at this," I said, pointing to the intricate tile work on the walls. "It's breathtaking."

"It truly is, Ahmad. I’m so glad we chose to come here," she replied, her voice filled with wonder.

We spent our days wandering through the bustling bazaars, tasting delicious Turkish cuisine, and soaking in the rich culture. One evening, as we sat by the Bosphorus, watching the sunset, I took Hidaya's hand in mine.

"I feel so blessed to be here with you, Hidaya," I said softly.

"And I feel blessed to have you by my side, Ahmad," she replied, her eyes reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun.


Our days in Istanbul were magical. One of the highlights was our visit to the Hagia Sophia. The sheer magnitude and history of the place left me speechless. As we wandered through the ancient halls, Ahmad and I talked about the importance of faith and how it had guided us to this moment.

"Ahmad, do you ever think about how Allah has planned our paths to cross?" I asked, my voice echoing softly in the grand hall.

"All the time, Habibty. It's a reminder of His wisdom and mercy," he replied, squeezing my hand gently.

We also took a two day trip to Cappadocia, where we experienced the surreal beauty of the landscape from a hot air balloon. Floating above the unique rock formations and valleys, I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom and tranquility.

"This is incredible, Ahmad," I said, my voice filled with awe as I gazed at the breathtaking view.

"It is. It feels like a dream," he replied, wrapping his arm around me.


Our honeymoon was not just about sightseeing; it was also a time for us to connect on a deeper level. We spent evenings talking about our goals, our hopes, and the kind of life we wanted to build together.

One night, as we strolled through the illuminated streets of Istanbul, Hidaya turned to me with a thoughtful expression.

"Ahmad, I’ve been thinking about how we can contribute to our community once we get back. Maybe we can start a project together," she suggested.

"That's a wonderful idea, Habibty. We could focus on education or healthcare, something that can make a real difference," I replied, feeling inspired by her compassion.

As our honeymoon came to an end, I realized how much closer we had become. The experiences we shared had strengthened our bond, and I felt more confident about our future together.


Leaving Turkey was bittersweet. We had created so many beautiful memories, but I was also excited to start our new life back home. As we boarded the plane, I felt a sense of anticipation for the adventures that awaited us.

"Ready to go home, Mrs. Ahmad?" Ahmad teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Ready when you are, Mr. Ahmad," I replied, laughing.

When we arrived home, our families welcomed us with open arms, eager to hear about our trip. We shared stories and photos, their smiles and laughter adding to our joy.


Settling back into our daily routines, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Hidaya and I had big plans for our future, and I was excited to embark on this journey with her.

One evening, as we sat together planning our community project, I realized how blessed I was to have Hidaya as my partner. Her dedication and passion were inspiring, and I knew that together, we could achieve great things.

"Hidaya, I’m so grateful for you," I said, my voice filled with emotion.

"And I’m grateful for you, Ahmad. Let's make our dreams a reality, Insha'Allah," she replied, her eyes shining with determination.

As we looked ahead, I knew that our love, faith, and shared vision would guide us through any challenges. With Allah's blessings, our future was bright, and I couldn't wait to see where our journey would take us.

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