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Doha, Qatar

Returning from our honeymoon, Ahmad and I were eager to settle into our new home and start our life together. Our families had helped us set up a cozy apartment in a lovely neighborhood, and stepping inside felt like entering a new chapter of our lives.

The first morning in our home, I woke up early to the soft rays of the sun filtering through the curtains. I watched Ahmad sleep peacefully for a moment before slipping out of bed to prepare breakfast. I wanted to surprise him with a special meal.

As I bustled around the kitchen, the aroma of fresh coffee and warm pastries filled the air. I set the table with our new dishes and added a bouquet of flowers for a touch of color. Just as I finished, Ahmad walked in, looking groggy but smiling.

"Good morning, Ahmad," I greeted him, feeling a surge of happiness.

"Good morning, Habibty," he replied, rubbing his eyes. "This looks amazing. You didn't have to do all this."

"I wanted to," I said, pouring him a cup of coffee. "I thought we could start our day with a special breakfast."

We sat down and enjoyed the meal, talking about our plans for the day and sharing laughter. It was a simple moment, but it felt incredibly special.


Settling into married life was a wonderful experience. Hidaya and I quickly established a routine, balancing our work, school, household chores, and spending quality time together. One of my favorite times of the day was when we would cook dinner together, experimenting with new recipes and enjoying each other's company.

One evening, as we were preparing a dish, Hidaya looked at me with a thoughtful expression.

"Ahmed, I've been thinking about our community project. I think we should focus on education for underprivileged children. It's something close to my heart," she said.

"That's a great idea, Hidaya. Education can truly change lives. Let's start planning," I replied, feeling inspired by her passion.

We spent the next few weeks researching and reaching out to organizations that could help us. The process was challenging, but Hidaya's determination and enthusiasm kept us motivated.


Our project began to take shape, and we decided to name it "Nour Foundation," symbolizing light and hope. With the support of our families and friends, we organized fundraising events and awareness campaigns. The response from the community was overwhelming, and we felt a deep sense of fulfillment.

One afternoon, while I was working on our project at home, Ahmad came in with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hidaya, I have an idea," he said, sitting down beside me. "What if we also offer mentorship programs for the children? It could help them with their studies and provide guidance for their future."

"That's a wonderful idea, Ahmed. It would make a big difference in their lives," I replied, feeling excited about the new direction.


Balancing our project with our personal lives was challenging, but it brought us closer together. We learned to support each other, share responsibilities, and celebrate our successes. Our evenings often ended with us discussing our day, sharing our thoughts, and planning for the future.

One night, as we sat on the balcony, enjoying the cool breeze, I looked at Hidaya and felt a deep sense of gratitude.

"Hidaya, I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for being my partner in everything," I said, holding her hand.

"And I feel blessed to have you, Ahmad. Together, we can achieve anything, Insha'Allah," she replied, her eyes reflecting the sincerity of her words.


As the months passed, our project gained momentum, and we saw the positive impact it was having on the children's lives. The smiles on their faces and their eagerness to learn were the greatest rewards.

One day, while we were at the foundation, a young girl named Nihal came up to us, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Thank you for everything, Mr. Ahmad and Mrs. Hidaya. Because of you, I feel like I can achieve my dreams," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Her words touched our hearts, and we knew that our efforts were making a difference. It was moments like these that reminded us why we started the Nour Foundation.


Despite the busy days and occasional challenges, our home remained a sanctuary of love and peace. Hidaya and I made it a point to spend time together, nurture our relationship, and create beautiful memories.

One evening, as we sat together after dinner, Hidaya brought up a topic that had been on her mind.

"Ahmad, I've been thinking about us starting a family someday. What do you think?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"I've thought about it too, Hidaya. I believe we will be ready when the time is right. Insha'Allah, we will have a beautiful family," I replied, feeling a sense of excitement about the future.


Hearing Ahmad's words filled me with warmth and hope. Our journey together had been wonderful so far, and I looked forward to the future with him by my side.

As we continued to build our lives, we remained grateful for the love, faith, and support that surrounded us. With each passing day, our bond grew stronger, and our dreams became more intertwined.

Insha'Allah, our journey would continue to be filled with love, blessings, and endless possibilities. With Allah's guidance, we were ready to face whatever the future held, together.

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