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The only sound my ears registered was the sound of my panting breath. I reached out through the thick darkness, trying to feel my way forward, but my hands met nothing but emptiness.

Panic rose in my throat, forming a painful knot in my esophagus. Where was I? The darkness was so dense I was as good as blind… Wait a minute. My heart began pounding wildly. I could not be blind, could I?

A sudden gust of cold wind blew across my face, and I shivered in discomfort, goosebumps rising all over my skin. With the wind came a putrid smell, one so terrible it made me gag. I doubled over, fisting the collar of my shirt. The fabric felt unusually papery. I was sure if I squeezed only a little harder, it would come away like dust.

The smell became more intense, and with it came pain. The pain spread all over my skin, a mind-numbing kind of pain.

I crouched to the ground, and the movement sent shockwaves of agony up my legs. I tried to swallow, but my throat wouldn't work. The next second, I was throwing up all over myself. I could feel the gooeyness between my fingers, on my clothes, my skin…

“Jesus. What is going on?" I whimpered as I squirmed in discomfort. I was supposed to be free now. This wasn't supposed to be happening.

Tears of terror cascaded across my face.

Suddenly, light assaulted my eyes. The swift illumination almost rendered me blind, for real this time. I raised my slimy hand over my face in an effort to shield my eyes from the harsh light.

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the glare, my terror increased exponentially. I was staring right at my hand, and the sight that met me was so terrifying that I let out a throat-parching scream.

The sane part of my brain immediately realized where the pungent stench emanated from. It was from me.

My arm was an unsightly mass of flesh so rotten it was covered in maggots that crawled over me, digging into my skin. I pulled out my other arm to swipe at them, but my right arm was just as rotten as my left.

I whimpered as horror clouded my senses, struggling to make sense of the situation.

Laughter echoed above me, taunting. I looked up, trying to find its source, but all I saw was the blinding light that seemed to come from one invisible point, a gigantic beam targeted right at me.

I found myself suddenly wishing for the darkness to return. At least then I wouldn't have to see this disastrous sight.

The clothes on me were filthy, like decade-old rags, tattered and dirty. The pain became excruciating, the worms seeming to double in their work speed.

“Help!" I called as I frantically batted at my own skin, crying helplessly. “Help please! Jesus!"

The laughter grew louder.

"How ironic,” came a raspy voice I had never before heard. "The embodiment of filthiness calls upon the One whose eyes cannot behold iniquity.”

The words sunk into me, the truth in them scalding me like bubbling lava. The light taunted me, exposing my filthiness, making me overly aware of it. I wanted to shrink and disappear, to run away from the impending doom, but I could sense no route of escape.

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