26- But Love Goes On

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Party poppers explode in the entryway as soon as Adam swings open his front door. Behind the floating paper streamers all his friends present themselves in different funny stances, donned in various party props of sorts.

Casey has fake goggles on with a paper moustache, Laura wears a fancy t-shirt that says 'came for the cake', while Hannah grips the popper down on one knee, a dedicated look on her face. Lastly, Abbey's eye mask shimmers under the foyer lights. The only common accessory everyone possesses is a dwarf hat on their heads. All diversely coloured, serving as a substitute to typical birthday caps.

"Heigh Ho! Where's our princess, Sleepy?!" Casey asks Adam, craning to search for Breanne.

"Um, guys. . ." Adam gathers a quick look at everyone, still holding onto the door. "Bre isn't here yet. She's supposed to arrive at two. I told you to inform everyone Casey, didn't I?" He turns to the dispirited drummer.

"Ehh? But I was sure it was one-" Casey is barely able to finish when he receives a kick to his leg by none other than Laura. A groan leaves his mouth.

"Can't you do one job without any mistakes? We just wasted a party popper because of you!"

"And also made quite a mess," Hannah adds in a monotone as she pushes herself up, staring at the confetti on the floor.

"We still have half an hour left," Adam suggests. "Oh, and Matt called earlier. He said he won't be able to make it."

Casey's jaw drops. "Again?! Then what about our theme?! Who's gonna be our seventh dwarf?!"

"Actually. . ." Adam steps aside so that my small stature is finally visible to everyone. Slowly bending forward in a group, all three begin to observe me like I was some toddler. With their shadows looming over me, I feel cornered all of a sudden.

"Aww. I didn't know Adam had a little sister!"

"He doesn't." Casey confirms to Laura. "Were you kidnapped? Blink twice if you need help."

"Very funny, Casey."

"You're adorable." Hannah adds once again, slowly blinking her perfectly lined eyes. "What's your name?"

"Will you be our Dopey?"

Adam smirks. "I think Grumpy would suit her better."

"But we already picked Laura for Grumpy." Casey clarifies, switching back my way. "Tell us, little one. Are you up for it?"

I fight to keep myself from zoning out, wobbly and lightheaded from all the pressure. They're too many, I think to myself, cracking a forced, nervous grin. "Uh, sure. . ."

"Hey. . .I think you're all going to scare her away like this." Fortunately, Abbey comes right to my rescue with her honey-like voice. She positions herself between me and the three of them, guiding them away from my frozen body. They all obey like young siblings.

"But we don't even know her name yet!" Laura whines not even a second later.

Abbey beams a warm smile at me, switching back to them. "It's Madison. She and Adam are cousins." She tells them. I watch her in awe, grateful for her help as I'm still overwhelmed by the load of interaction I had to confront in such a short span of time. With a quick glance at Adam, I find he has a similar amazed reaction.

At Abbey's disclosure, both Laura and Casey turn to Adam, the look of devastation unmistakable on their faces. "You betrayed us. . ." They mumble together, shuffle over to him and cling themselves onto each one of his arms. Casey points a firm finger at Abbey, his shattered face still fixed at Adam.

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