6- Wonderstruck

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"This thing looks so. . .old." I say as I zip up the dirty-white coloured hoodie I'm wearing. The end of the sleeves almost reaches the tip of my fingers, so I decide to wriggle my shoulders and twist my wrists to pull my hands deeper into the cosy fabric. ". . .and big."

"Hey." Adam sounds rather offended, pulling a face. "I didn't bring my favorite hoodie all the way up from my bedroom just to hear you devalue it."

I giggle. "No but seriously, when did you buy it?"

"Mom bought it for me. . .about six months ago", he pauses, "Is it that uncomfortable? Should I bring another one? I mean, you do look like you're drowning in that thing. . ."

"No, no, it's still warm, though."

"What a relief, I'm honoured." He bows a little, flashing a grin which I return.

The yard is blanketed with absolute stillness, save for the quiet converse between quivering branches and the swaying breeze. In front of us the lightning bugs greet our gaze, some laying motionless, others simply dancing around. I can see Adam observing them with utmost curiosity, eyes shimmering with a glow as though he was trying to study their movements, like one studies the stars.

"I hope you're not getting bored." He speaks without facing me, cheeks resting on both of his palms, eyes still glued to the little fireflies show.

"I don't think anyone can", I crane my neck upwards. My eyes meet with the divine view of pin pricks of light gathered above in huge sets of clusters, carpeting an infinite black abyss as my head starts spinning a tad. I deeply inhale the fresh air before looking at him. "I'm slightly jealous of you. . .you get to experience this calming feeling every night."

He gives a crooked smile. "It's true. . .I mean, it's like this place has never changed. Everytime I come here, I feel like I'm in a completely different world. Much like the same feeling when I spend hours in my basement, and the world around me dissolves in a whirl of nothingness, and then it's just me and the music." He pauses for a breath, though continuing to make vague hand movements that I try to understand but fail instead.

"It's the same here. Except for music, I'm blessed with nature. From the smell of leaves and the sight of these tiny creatures- to those heavenly bodies that seem just as small. It's all just really surreal to me."

Cue my urge to slow clap.

"Wow. . ." I blink twice, wanting to wipe away an imaginary stray tear, not being able to find the words to say for a while. "You must. . .really love spending time here."

"I do, yeah." He replies. "Now specially when you've got a friend with you."

"That's nice." I crack a smile before my eyes suddenly widen in astonishment.
"Wha- what did you say?"

"Wait a second- c-can I call you a friend?" He questions, pausing to think for a moment. "I mean, we did just meet today, and oh. . .of course. . .yeah. I'm just being stupid, sorry." He collapses his face into his palms.

"And why exactly do you want to call me a friend?" I ask, still couldn't believing his words. At this rate I might burst from happiness in a matter of seconds. That definitely, however, doesn't stop me from taking full advantage of the situation.

"Is it only because you don't want me to team up with your mom into teasing the living daylights out of you?"

"O-Ofcourse not!" He exclaims in defense. "It's just that I. . ."

"I. . .what? " I slowly move my face towards him and he does the same but in reverse direction, trying to ignore the suspicious looks I was throwing. I honestly admit it's as fun to see him go red as easy it is to make him do so. He abruptly looks away from me, rubbing his hands as a consequence of failing to find a purpose.

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