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LAIKEN SALVATORE WAS A BITCH — or at least she used to be

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LAIKEN SALVATORE WAS A BITCH — or at least she used to be. Okay, she kind of still was. She was every other young girl's worst nightmare by the age of fourteen. Laiken was calculating, conniving, and cruel. She'd learn your deepest insecurity and use it against you. She made others want to crawl inside their lockers just to get away from her in the hallway. And she'd start horrible rumors that everyone always believed because she was an expert liar.

And in spite of all that, everyone wanted to be her friend. Because being her friend meant you were safe.

Everyone thought Caroline Forbes stuffed her bra and all because she got cheer captain instead of Laiken.

Vicki Donovan supposedly paid for her drugs with sex because she was too poor to afford the horrible habit.

And because adults weren't even safe from her, Logan Fell had a thing for minors — that was probably true though.

Then Elena Gilbert's parents died, and Laiken had never been more cruel, spreading the hallways of Mystic Falls High with wretched comments about how Elena was a crybaby that got her parents killed because she couldn't handle her alcohol. That Matt Donovan was partially responsible because he couldn't get his girlfriend home on his own. That something had to be wrong mentally with Elena's father if he just drove off a bridge with no other car there to cause an accident.

Naturally, Elena ran to her best friend for comfort. And it was while she was crying in the arms of Bonnie Bennett at her grandmother's house that fate decided Laiken finally faced some repercussions for her actions. Sheila Bennett did a spell — a powerful one. One that would change Laiken forever. And it didn't take long at all for the sixteen-year-old to understand what happened to her even if she didn't understand who was responsible for the spell.

How could she not know about witches and vampires? Her father, Zach Salvatore, could hardly let her go out into the world unprepared, especially when she had two immortal 'cousins' that could drop by any time.

It was two weeks after the Gilberts died that it happened.

Laiken waltzed up to Marcus Smitherman, the resident nerd of their grade, who was leaning his head against his locker. And of course, a small group of the most popular kids — Tyler Lockwood included — were behind her.

"Hey, Marcus," Laiken greeted in a sickeningly sweet tone, making the boy flinch from her attention. Having her attention was never a good thing.

"H - Hi, Laiken," he stuttered while pushing his glasses up his nose. "I don't have the - the answers to the take-home quiz in trig yet."

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