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"FINN, I CAN WALK ON MY OWN," Laiken said flatly

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"FINN, I CAN WALK ON MY OWN," Laiken said flatly.

"But you never have to again, ástin mín," he said lovingly, carrying her from the car to the house.

She was finally out of the hospital, and all of her soulmates were there to bring her home. As soon as Elijah parked the car, Finn was rushing around to Laiken's side of the car, helping her out only to swoop down and pick her up in his strong arms.

"Let him dote on you, Elskan," Elijah said while grabbing the bag full of Laiken's things.

"You saved his life. The least he can do is carry you inside," Kol said with a smirk.

"Well, I'd like to meet your brother on my own two feet," she told him.

"Fine, but then I'm carrying you to bed," Finn said, sitting her on her feet once he was in the foyer.

Laiken smirked at her mate. "Why Finn, the doctor said no extraneous activity for two more days."

His cheeks heated up as Enzo and Klaus snickered. "To sleep, ástin," he specified. "You need rest."

He wasn't wrong. Laiken was still quite tired even though her body aches and nausea had passed the day before. She wanted to fall into bed and never get back out, preferably with one or two of her mates under the covers with her.

"Now, where's Henrik?" Laiken said, walking further into the house.

Before anyone could call for Rebekah, who was in charge of babysitting, they heard her yelling.

"Henrik, give it back right now!"

"Dear Diary — who actually starts off a journal entry with 'Dear Diary' — today, Matt smiled at — ow!"

"Give it back, you hell beast!" Rebekah shouted, running after the short blonde boy who ran through the foyer, trying to get away from her. And in his hand was a leather-bound journal. When Rebekah spotted her brothers, she sighed in relief, glad she wouldn't be the only one wrangling Henrik anymore. "Finn, make him give me back my journal."

"Wait, no, keep reading," Laiken told the boy, grinning brightly.

Henrik matched her grin before flipping to a new page. "That Damon Salvatore is a hindrance but quite good in—"

"Ew!" Laiken squealed, covering her ears.

Then Rebekah huffed and snatched her journal back, rushing it back to her room before Henrik could use a spell to get it once again. It left Laiken and her mates alone with the young boy, who was grinning cheekily — he reminded Laiken of Klaus, as they had the same smile.

"You must be Henrik," Laiken said, coming a little closer.

"You must be the most powerful bitch that ever lived," he said, his smile morphing into a smirk.

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