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ENZO PRESSED A COLD RAG TO LAIKEN'S FOREHEAD IN HER BEDROOM. After two weeks of letting the sides battle it out, she'd finally rumored the location of the coffins into Klaus' head, and she'd been nauseous for the last hour and a half as he went to retrieve them.

It wasn't that she didn't have faith that Klaus could get them on his own, but damn it, she wanted her soulmates. So far, Stefan had driven all the hybrids out of town, nearly driven Elena off the bridge her parents died driving off of, and ruined his relationship with literally everyone. And Klaus was going stir-crazy as he was backed into a corner, constantly threatening Jenna and Jeremy, which didn't work because Stefan didn't care about them.

After Caroline called to let her know that her dad was turned into a vampire and wasn't going to complete the transition, that he was choosing to die, Laiken decided she'd had enough drama for the time being. So, in the middle of a Marvel movie marathon, she rumored that Klaus knew the location of the coffins with his siblings.

But of course, everything couldn't go as planned, as Bonnie was hiding a fourth coffin that apparently didn't hold one of Klaus' siblings in it. Since one of her soulmates wasn't involved, Laiken didn't particularly care about getting it back, much to Klaus' annoyance.

"Love, can I get you anything else?" Enzo asked in a caring tone. "Maybe some tea will help with the nausea."

"No, just having you by my side makes me feel better," she said, holding his hand. And surprisingly, she meant it instead of just being sappy. She always felt better physically when around Enzo or Klaus.

So, Enzo happily got underneath the covers and held her close, letting her tuck her head into his chest. But their nice moment was interrupted by Laiken's phone ringing. She blindly reached for it off her nightstand and didn't look to see who it was.

"Call back later," she whined, closing her eyes.

"Just thought I'd let you know that your dearest Elijah is up and walking — a gift from the Salvatores, I presume," Klaus said, sounding bitter.

Laiken smiled a little bit. "He's awake?"

"I am," he said, also on the phone call apparently. "I thought perhaps you could come over."

"She doesn't feel well after helping Klaus find the coffins," Enzo spoke up. "She's not getting out of bed until tomorrow at the earliest."

"Then I will come take care of you," Elijah offered immediately.

"I wouldn't," Laiken groaned. "Stefan's here. I can hear him throwing a tantrum downstairs. But I'll see you tomorrow. Promise."

"I'll be counting the minutes."

"Well, that's sappy, brother."

"Klaus, shut the fuck up," Enzo scoffed. "She called you a pretty boy two days ago and you tripped over nothing."

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