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ALL OF THE MIKAELSONS WERE WAITING ANXIOUSLY OUT IN THE HALLWAY, not allowed in the hospital room as Meredith Fell assessed Laiken's condition

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ALL OF THE MIKAELSONS WERE WAITING ANXIOUSLY OUT IN THE HALLWAY, not allowed in the hospital room as Meredith Fell assessed Laiken's condition. Klaus had tried threats and Elijah, compulsion, but the doctor stood firm in her decision.

None of them paid attention to the passing nurses and doctors, not even looking away from the door as someone pushed a blood-covered gurney past them, shouting about a young boy who looked to have been attacked by a wolf.

"Bonnie has burned the last eleven stakes," Enzo said, rushing down the hallway toward them. "Now, bloody tell me what the hell happened, Finn."

Finn looked miserable. He was meant to protect his soulmate, but now, after one date, she was in the hospital and on the brink of death. "Salvatore — Stefan — snuck vervain into my drink. We followed him outside only for him and that blonde human to attack us. They... they had White Oak. I died in her arms. But then suddenly, I was back. Like it never happened. And she was just there, no heartbeat. I did CPR, then called the ambulance, and then Niklaus."

"She rumored you back to life," Rebekah surmised, a crushed expression on her face. Had Bonnie not unlinked them all just in time, she'd have had to bring them all back to life, and surely she couldn't have come back from that.

Enzo sighed and rubbed his face, fighting off tears. "She's never - never done something so big. This could - this could kill her."

"Why can't we give her vampire blood?" Kol huffed, glaring at the door.

"Because it doesn't help her after using her powers," Elijah reminded him. "We have to rely on modern medicine."

"Fuck medicine!" he snapped. "Get the Bennett witch, Enzo. She's—"

Kol cut himself off when Meredith Fell stepped out of the room. Blood soaked the cuffs of her white medical coat — they could all tell from the scent that it was Laiken's blood. It hadn't stopped flowing from her nose, mouth, eyes, and ears.

"What is it?" Elijah asked, the most composed of them all.

"She's stable for now," she said, which made all of them relax the slightest bit. "The bleeding is slowing down. But there's no telling when she's going to wake up."

"That's not good enough," Klaus said, seething. "Fix her."

"I can't," she said, not backing down in the face of an Original. "We'll keep her here on fluids, and I've ordered a blood transfusion. But there is nothing anyone, you included, can do but wait."


Klaus was pacing back and forth in the waiting room of the hospital. Only two people were allowed in Laiken's room at a time, and it was currently Elijah and Kol's turn. Five days had passed since she rumored Finn back to life, and while her vitals were getting better and better, she wasn't waking up. They hardly left the hospital, not wanting to miss the chance of her waking up and them missing it.

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