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LAIKEN'S HEAD WAS STILL POUNDING WHEN SHE WOKE UP, finding her face snuggled up close to a broad chest while strong arms wrapped around her from behind

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LAIKEN'S HEAD WAS STILL POUNDING WHEN SHE WOKE UP, finding her face snuggled up close to a broad chest while strong arms wrapped around her from behind. She let herself enjoy the comfort for a moment before peeling her eyes open. It was Finn who she was pressed against, and Enzo was behind her, holding her tightly.

She sighed heavily, the realization of what she'd done sinking in. No, she didn't feel bad about Elena's death, but she felt bad for Klaus, who could no longer make hybrids. She shouldn't have done what she did without talking to him first — she just hoped he wasn't too mad at her as she couldn't stand the thought of him being angry with her.

Enzo was the first to stir, feeling Laiken shifting in his arms. And when he opened his eyes and saw her awake, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Fucking finally, love," he said, which woke Finn with a start. "You gave us a right scare, fainting like that."

"How long have I been asleep?" she asked, her voice a bit scratchy.

"Two days," Finn said, running his hands through her hair comfortingly. "We were quite worried. Can I get you anything? Some food? Humans need food."

She smiled weakly at his offer and nodded. "Whatever you feel like making."

"I'll make you some eggs," he decided, getting out of bed. But then Finn turned around and placed a kiss to her forehead, which made her smile tiredly. "My brothers are all out searching for my mother, but they'll be back soon. They'll be jealous that you woke during my shift and not theirs."

"Shift?" she asked, tilting her head.

Finn just smiled sheepishly. "We've been arguing over who gets to watch over you. Rebekah made a schedule."

"Well, thank you for taking such good care of me," she told him before he left, leaving her alone with Enzo. She turned in his arms, looking into his dark and caring eyes. "Morning, Handsome."

"Don't handsome me," he said in a firm tone. "You know I don't like you doing big rumors. You've never been out this long."

"I'm fine," she insisted, lying through her teeth. She felt dizzy and nauseous — like her brain was going to explode. Laiken wasn't even sure she could keep down the food Finn was going to bring her.

"Your nose wouldn't stop bleeding for two hours after you fainted," he informed her.

"Ah, but the payoff is worth it," she said, an amused glint in her eyes.

Enzo sighed before a barely-there smile on his face appeared, which he tried to hide — he didn't want to encourage her. "The Gilbert girl had it coming with how many times she's tried to kill you via your mates. Not to mention she told Mikael about you. It was only fair. But was the second one necessary?"

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