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"BE NICE," Laiken mumbled under her breath even though every vampire inside the mansion could hear

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"BE NICE," Laiken mumbled under her breath even though every vampire inside the mansion could hear.

"I'll be nice if they're nice," Enzo grumbled.

They were outside the Mikaelson Mansion, ready for Enzo to officially meet Laiken's other soulmates. After Esther appeared, Elijah — despite his brothers' protesting — suggested Laiken go home until they knew what their mother's intentions were. He didn't want her harmed.

"Well, they aren't nice," Laiken claimed.

"And I'm not nice either," he said, crossing his arms. "And neither are you, for that matter."

"God, this relationship is fucked," she sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"Yeah," Enzo smiled while throwing his arm over her shoulder as she rang the doorbell.

A second later, they heard someone scream and then something crash and break, and then Rebekah was the one to open the door. She greeted them with a smirk.

"What was that?" Laiken asked, peering over her shoulder.

"They're fighting over who gets to answer the door," she said smugly.

She let them inside, and they could see Kol holding onto Finn's ankles childishly while Elijah was trying to wrestle his tie back from Klaus, who'd stolen it to make him look less presentable. Ever the fan of violence, Laiken just watched with a big grin on her face, waiting for one of them to notice.

Laiken also noted that Kol, Finn, and Elijah seemed to be in tuxedos, which was odd given that it was eight in the morning.

Finally, after a good minute of no one making progress in their fights, Laiken broke them up. She cleared her throat, getting their attention quickly. "Kol, stop holding Finn so tightly before I get jealous. And Niklaus, ties are meant to go around necks and wrists, not for playing tug of war."

In an instant, all four brothers were at attention, looking at Laiken with wide eyes, taking in her appearance. Kol and Finn in particular drank in the sight of her in a cropped tank top and pair of baggy jeans with large rips in them, not used to women showing so much skin.

Klaus was the first to recover and he smirked devilishly. "So, you like to be tied up, do you, love?"

Rebekah scoffed and went back to the living room to finish getting her nails done. And Elijah glared at Klaus for being so ungentlemanly.

"Only if I get to leash you and take you on a walk," she shot back snakily, which made Enzo and Kol laugh.

Klaus' smirk fell. "That would go in the same category as belly rubs — never gonna happen."

"Mate, tell her that one more time and she might put your first kiss in that category too," Enzo teased, knowing how much Laiken loved dogs — even if a werewolf and a dog were two very different things.

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