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THE SMIRK ON ENZO'S FACE WAS EVIDENT as he followed Laiken into the Mikaelson mansion the next day

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THE SMIRK ON ENZO'S FACE WAS EVIDENT as he followed Laiken into the Mikaelson mansion the next day. They'd been invited by Elijah, all of them wanting to get to know their mate more, especially Finn and Kol, who'd had the shortest time with her.

When Laiken rang the doorbell, hand in hand with Enzo, it was Elijah who sped to the door to answer it, greeting her with a happy smile.

"Hello, Laiken, Enzo. Thank you for—"

Elijah cut himself off, his eyes going dark as he took in a deep breath. His nose flared, smelling how Enzo's scent clung to Laiken. He couldn't help the image his mind conjured of his little mate writing around as he himself worshiped her body.

But no, Enzo was the one to do so the night before.

And then Laiken's hair shifted and he saw the fresh bite mark that adorned her skin.

Before he knew it, Enzo was inside the house with his back to the wall, Elijah's hand around his throat. Enzo's smug smirk was long gone and replaced with fear — he knew Elijah had promised but he wasn't certain he wasn't about to get his heart ripped out over this.

"Elijah," Laiken whined, coming up behind him. "Let him go."

"He fed from you," he said, practically seething with jealousy. At the commotion they were making, the other three brothers entered the foyer, all letting out jealous growls as they caught Laiken's changed scent — even Klaus, who'd fed from Laiken before. "He harmed you."

"Oh, Lijah," Laiken said, coming up behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and he visibly relaxed. Then she stood on her toes, her breath hitting the back of his neck. Her lips brushed just behind his ear. "Maybe one day you'll try for yourself and find I quite like it."

In an instant, the roles were reversed. Enzo was freed and rubbing his sore neck as Elijah caged Laiken in against the wall, his eyes zeroed in on her neck. But before he could mutter a syllable, Kol swooped in and dragged Laiken into his arms, shoving his head in her neck and inhaling deeply.

She let out a content moan as his blunt teeth grazed over the bruised bite mark, and the sound nearly made her mates feral with need for her. "I haven't had breakfast yet, Darling," Kol murmured.

"Get off her, Kol. It's too soon to drink from her again," Finn said, ever the responsible and considerate one. "Go find some poor girl in an alleyway."

Laiken frowned at that, not wanting her mates to feed off any other girls but her, something territorial rising inside of her. "Of maybe a blood bag," she muttered with a huff, not even bothering to hiding her jealousy. And Kol's chest welled with pride, realizing that he could make her jealous.

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