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[  me: says I'm not posting until I graduate college in three weeks

me, literally a day later: here  ]



LAIKEN WAS FUCKING FUMING — because what the fuck did Damon and Stefan think they were playing at, letting the house be signed over in Elena's name? It was Laiken's house even if she wasn't on the deed

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LAIKEN WAS FUCKING FUMING — because what the fuck did Damon and Stefan think they were playing at, letting the house be signed over in Elena's name? It was Laiken's house even if she wasn't on the deed.

She stood outside with Enzo and her cousins, leaning against her boyfriend's chest with a pout on her face. She'd been ignoring them since the night before when they dropped the bomb about the house.

"You really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon was asking.

"If anyone can, it's her," Enzo said, drawing nonsense patterns on Laiken's arms as he spoke about his best friend.

Stefan nodded in agreement. "She said she could channel enough witch's power to kill him. Elijah thought that would work and he was an Original, so..."

"We just need to find him," Damon muttered.

"No shit," Laiken muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Could she do one of those witch-tracking spells?" Damon asked.

"Nope. Not without something that belongs to Klaus. Believe me, I already asked," Stefan said.

"Do you think he killed her?" he questioned.

"Katherine? Probably," Stefan shrugged.

"I hope not," Laiken sighed. She liked the oldest doppelgänger far more than Elena.

"Get over her, Lake. She's gone," Damon said snarkily. "It's not like she didn't have it coming."

Then the door of the house opened up, and Elena let the lawyer out. "Thank you, Mr. Henry."

Stefan and Damon walked to the threshold only to be stopped by the new invisible barrier. Laiken and Enzo just laughed at their stupidity.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot," Elena said with a sheepish smile. She looked at Stefan sweetly. "Stefan. Would you like to come inside my house?"

Laiken's blood boiled as she called it her house.

"I would love to," Stefan said smugly while entering. "Thank you."

Elena then looked at Enzo, only to flinch when she saw Laiken's steely glare. "Let him in, Copy and Paste."

"Come inside, Enzo," she said quickly, not wanting to be even more on Laiken's bad side.

"Thank you, Elena," Enzo said cordially while pulling Laiken along into the house.

They didn't bother to hang around as Elena teased Damon, clearly flirting with him as she didn't let him in the house. Instead, Laiken just grabbed her backpack, getting ready for school.

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