Imagine 2: Just Another Night With Vox💙 (Vox)

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pairing: Y/N x Vox

*Summary: It's the night of the Extermination, and while Y/N is doing chores in the house, she's listening to her overly loud boyfriend Vox in the living room watching the footage his drones are getting of the fight*

"Y/N! Where is the goddamn remote!?" Vox comes running down the stairs, changed out of his everyday stripped blue suit, and simply wearing a sweater with a white undershirt.
You smirk. "The remote for yourself, or for the TV in the living room?" you snicker behind your hair, causing Vox to roll his eyes. 

"Haha very funny woman," he grumbles, digging through the kitchen drawers and practically throwing stuff out of them, in desperate search for this remote. 

You chuckle. Despite him being a somewhat smart capable businessman...he's not that smart either. He loses his keys about once every two days and forgets date nights and anniversaries and birthdays etc...but that could be because he's always so busy at the shared studio belonging to the other two V's.

As he moves to tear apart a third door, you intervene, not wanting to spend your night cleaning his mess when you already have a mess to clean yourself from dinner. "Hey hey hey, before you go messing up my kitchen, the remote is probably buried in between the couch cushions." 

"But I looked there!" He remarks, crossing his arms, clearly annoyed from you claiming that he would mess up your kitchen. It's his house, hence his kitchen...even though he never does anything in the kitchen besides some midnight searching for snacks or drinks. But still! Principle! 

You raise a brow. "Oh really?" For proof, you go into the living room to search in between the couch cushions, lifting one up, and then another, to then reveal the remote that belongs to the cameras on his drones that he sent to fly over the Hazbin Hotel to watch the war between Heaven and Hell happen. 

"Well well..." you lift the remote up, smirking at Vox who looks a bit dumbfounded. "You must have searched pretty hard, babe." 
You laugh when you hear him sigh loudly as he grabs the remote from your hand and presses the red button, only for the TV screen to light up and reveal that the war between Exorcists and the residents at the Hazbin Hotel beginning to start. 

"Oh this is gonna be gooooood!" He says in a tight, excited voice, grabbing his large bowl of popcorn and placing it between his legs, already munching on it like a kid at the theater watching the latest cartoon. 
You roll your eyes softly, before patting him on the shoulder. "Have fun, there big guy."

"You're not gonna join me?"

"I got dishes to do," you say as you turn, "but have fun." 
Vox smirks, glancing at you as you begin to walk back to the kitchen. "Nice view," he remarks, flicking a look towards your bottom and chuckling at himself when you give him a playful glare, giving him no verbal response as you return back to the kitchen sink filled with plates and pans. 

Your hands dip in the water, washing as fast and efficiently as you can when you begin to notice the water is cooling down at a rapid rate, though while doing so, you can hear the commotion of the fight happening on screen. Annnnnnndddd Vox's comments and remarks about something he's witnessing. 

Even though he's some big Overlord/TV demon/one of the three V's, he can be...kind of playful too. Of course, that's only when he isn't an egotistical asshole, which is what he is most of the time. Still though, you find yourself loving him. Flaws and all. Besides, this is Hell, it doesn't really get any better, it only gets worse. So despite his ego, his image, and his rage issues from time to time, he's still decent. 

Decent enough for you to fall for him, you guess, chuckling at yourself. 
As you wash a cup, you hear the sudden yell of Vox, causing your eyes to widen a little as you stifle a laugh. That must mean Alastor has finally appeared on camera. You don't get why he's so obsessed with someone like Alastor, does admit Alastor is kind of a catch. 

But you don't think that's the case for Vox. At hope not, haha. 
A moment passes, and you hear yet another yell from Vox, this time, more disgruntled and angrier, which causes you to curiously stop what you're doing and walk to the living room, only to see Vox sitting on the couch, pouting like a child with his arms on his knees and his hands clenched. 

You chuckle, going behind the couch to wrap your arms around his collarbone, while your eyes stare at the screen ahead of you for a single moment, catching the glimpses of what appears to be some snake demon kissing a one-eyed demoness girl.
Oh, romance on the battlefield? How original. 

Vox sighs as he shuts the TV off and brings his hands up to his face. "Damn it, I really wanted him dead."
"Why are you so obsessed with him, Voxy?" You ask, holding him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder. 

He rolls his eyes. "Complicated reasons, no need to divulge in," he responds, in a tone that does say clearly he doesn't want to talk about it. 
A problem he has, he never likes to open up, which kind of pisses you off, but at the same time, you respect and understand. 

Sometimes...what's the point of opening up if the one you're opening up to won't understand or even hear it? 

As a moment of silence passes, you decide to grab a handful of the popcorn and munch happily. "Yum." 
"Eat up," he passes it to, sighing once more as he decides to lay down. "There goes my night."

You smirk. "Well...maybe not." 
He raises a brow, before his eyes widen a little as you climb over the couch and lay on top of him innocently, bringing your hands to your chin as you smile sweetly down at him.

He doesn't even have to ask what it is you want.
Vox exhales. "Cuddles?" he says, almost tiredly.
You nod. 

"Alright then," he responds, wrapping his arms around you and gently running his fingers through your hair, smiling just a little, though it's not too noticeable. "You have such soft hair," he murmurs, gingerly placing a kiss on your forehead. 

His kisses are always a tinge colder than a normal kiss, due to his TV screen for a face but...he manages to kiss, surprisingly. And...he's actually good at it too. Which is even MORE shocking.
A soft giggle escapes your lips, your hand reaching to touch his arm to the left of you. 

"You know, you're kind of special..."

"How so?" You ask.
He chuckles, his arms tightening around you. "I don't normally cuddle with others, so...I guess you're something else, huh?" 

You laugh as you kiss his neck. "Maybe I am." You smile against his skin. "Love you, Voxy." 
Vox chuckles. "Love you too, baby," he remarks, before the warmth of the two of you together causes his eyes to shut in a relaxed state, as he slowly begins to drift off into a slumber along with you.   

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