Imagine 4: Cuddles🥺 (Vox)

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pairing: Y/N x Vox

*summary: Y/N has had a long rough day, so when Vox comes home from his underground studio, he tries to make Y/N feel better*

requested by @ThatOneADHDino

Vox exhales a deep, long, slow, breath, finding his back slightly hunch forward from how exhausted, and how much shit he's got on his mind. Not only has the asshole, old timey prick, Radio face boomer named Alastor has suddenly returned, he shut down Vox's WiFi signals all throughout Hell which only caused HAVOC amongst all demons. Even the News reporters were trying to knock down the studio doors to talk to Vox about the issue.

Though he's grown used to News reporters, papparazzi, etc...the two things weighing heavy was the fact that Alastor had spontaneously returned and is helping Lucifer's brat and having to sit and listen to Valentino's bitching session about some nobody who's currently occupying a room at this Hazbin Hotel.

Such a pointless tantrum, it isn't like Angel isn't under contract! He's just moved! Valentino still owns him. Hence why Vox had his teeth gritted the entire time Valentino whined and complained for over thirty minutes about how Angel Dust moved out and shacked up with Lucifer's bimbo daughter, Charlie.

A waste of Vox's precious, and much needed time. But...what can you do? It's Valentino. Plus, if he didn't handle it, then he'd have Velvette going down his throat as well. And she's sometimes worse than Valentino.

Vox gets out the backseat of his black limo, shutting the door and walking up the steps to his mansion with a giant, blue V hanging on the roof, bright enough to illuminate Hell's night sky.
Pulling out a set of keys, he flips through a few until he finds the house key and unlocks the door, stepping inside to be greeted with his very much futuristic interior.

Dark blue carpet lays under his feet, while three robotic vacuums make there runs cleaning any dust or debris that has fallen.

To the left of the entry is a built-in fireplace with a fake blue fire glowing and making some crackling noises just to make it appear comfy and kind of cottagey. On each side of the fireplace are little tables displaying white flowers--that his partner, Y/N, had specifically chosen to add some color that isn't blue or black--while a medium size bookshelf displaying books under the large window that overlooks Pentagram city.

With a sigh, Vox takes his coat off and hangs it up, dragging his feet as he walks into the kitchen to find some alcohol. "Y/N, I'm home," he says lazily, pouring himself a shot, "don't ask me how my day was, it was shit."

Swirling his glass, he gulps the drink down within seconds, exhaling as he feels the wet liquid burn the back of his throat, but numb his pressured feeling chest.
Curiously, his head perks up a little, noticing that you haven't come to greet him, or haven't even responded yet. Which was...unlike you.

"Y/N?" he calls again, deciding to take his leave from the kitchen to go and look for you. Maybe you weren't home? He couldn't have known due to Alastor shutting all of Hell's signal down.
But still, he didn't think you had anywhere to go. This morning over breakfast you said you would just stay home and do some chores--though that made Vox laugh softly. There's no such thing as doing chores now, not with all the advance Voxtech cleaning services.

Vox scours the library, then the arcade room, then his office, though he still can't find you.
His feet lead him up the spiral steps in the living room as he begins to walk down a short hallway and turn left to open the door that is his bedroom.

There...he finds you. You lay on the bed, your knees tucked to your chest while your back faces Vox, your eyes obviously staring out the window.
A flicker of concern flashes in his eyes. "Y/N?" he comes over to your side of the bed, taking note of the somewhat...unhappy and quite stressed look on your face.

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