The morning after

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Tim's POV:

WORDCOUNT: 795 words

In the morning I woke up at 6, I realized I wasn't at home... I seemed to be in an apartment? I looked around and saw a girl who seemed to be 25 MAX laying next to me. Both naked...

I take another look at this girl and I see she is pretty cute, and she seems nice...

DAMMIT BRADFORD SNAP OUT OF IT! I quickly packed up my stuff and left. I had to go to work! I have never been late before so I quickly got home and got ready for work.


I was pretty roughed up from the night before but I dont remember anything probably because I was drunk.

I got to the station on time and saw Angela standing at the doorway waiting for me after roll call

Angela: You look rough
Tim: I didn't get much sleep last night
Angela: why, did you have a girl over
Tim: NoOoo I just went to a bar and got drunk, didn't come home till a little later. I said rubbing my temple
Angela: sure
I just rolled my eyes and left for patrol, it's to early in the morning for be dealing with her.

Lucy's POV:

It is 9:00 in the morning and I wake up, I find myself as a mess and naked, I look beside me and find a piece of paper with a number on it.

My head is still spinning from last night but I quickly go and take a shower. I step out get and get changed.

I decided I am going to add the number, since I have a bit of an idea who this person is... I decided to send a text


L-hey it's Lucy, I'm not sure if you remember me but just wanted to say hey.

Tim's POV:

I'm on patrol and I here I got a message on my phone so I pull over and read it

It was Lucy?!? Saying hey? Who was this Lucy girl? I gad no clue so I decided to text back


T-hi, Lucy? I'm not really sure who you are but hey?
L-oh you don't remember me.. your Tim right? From the bar yesterday

I was pretty confused when I first read this but then it hit me, she was my one night stand from the bar...

I left her my number since I'm not a monster to just leave people there confused and hanging...


T-oh yes, Lucy! Hey, do you maybe want to get dinner some time?

Right after I sent this I started to have some regrets but she sure was cute...


L-I would love to, how does tomorrow 8pm sound?
T-amazing how about at this new Italian place?
L-great! Meet you there

I was kinda excited to see her but also nervous I haven't been on a date for a year now ever since Isabel...

Lucy's POV

I can't believe I just got asked out on a date, I never thought that anyone would be interested in me... but he was pretty hot from what I remember.

I was still a little bit hung over so I decided to stay home and watch a few movies, when suddenly I got a text from Jackson asking if I wanted to go to a party with him

I kindly rejected since I can't be hungover again, and I slowly drifted back off to sleep... when I heard banging at my door

I groggily said "whooo is it?" "LUCY OPEN UP" I heard a voice that sounded like Jackson's. I went and opened the door

Jackson immediately bursted him and went on my couch, I slowly followed slouching rubbing my temple

"What's up" I said still tired. "You won't believe it!" He said screaming "calm down what happened" feeling as I am about to drift of to sleep. "We got our assigned stations!!!"

(ps I dont know if it works like this but fake it till you make it :D)

"really?!" I quickly spring up from my seat! "Both of us got the Mid Wilshre station, how about you?" Asked Jackson, "I don't know, let me check!" I opened my phone and I see a email. "CONGRATS YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED TO THE MID WILSHRE STATION" I shout out as soon as I read it "CONGRATS WE CAN ALL BE TOGETHER!!!" Shouts Jackson

"Now if that's all let me go back to sleep" I say, "come on let's celebrate!" Jackson jumps, "maybe on Sunday" I say

(Ps today is Friday)

"Alright fine, but your buying first round" Jackson says as he is about to leave "yea whatever" I roll my eyes and drift back to sleep.

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